Nobody suffers more on this earth than genuine incels. Not meme incels who are just picky...

Nobody suffers more on this earth than genuine incels. Not meme incels who are just picky, talking about people who really have no options.

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That's what hookers are fore

It's all a matter of perspective, i had a friend that was really ugly and had no luck with girls, but he was a really introspective guy and a genuine nice dude. He was happy and radiated goodness, i really respected him. He was also religious but i dont know if that matters

well good fucking luck finding a hooker in idaho

your friend sounds like me. we're dead inside and want to be dead outside but don't burden it on people irl.

Work out, get hobbies besides bitching about how unfair life is with dumbass Yas Forumstards that know fuckall about dating, get happy and stop blaming other people for your own shortcomings.

sounds like a recipe to work hard to get fucking nothing

oh i tried that recipe already for over a fucking decade

Also lower your standards

Wow she pwetty

I would take literally anyone.

You don't fucking know what a real incel is.

she looks like shit now

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hahaha killed thread already

i am fucking cursed to be alone with my thoughts until i finally give in.

lol thats shit?

Imagine the smell of the sweaty, worn shoes coming off her slick, musty feet


post more

no. google erin ashford and you'll find plenty.

if you truly believe you're unlovable/undatable/incel supreme, just neck yourself
the only reason you're still alive is because you don't believe your own bullshit

>looks like shit
>normal 5-6/10 with nice tits

Yep, worked out why you can't get laid

no, i haven't killed myself because i'm a fucking worthless pussy and can't overcome my base instinct to stay alive.

or maybe it wasn't me who said that

tons of people know who erin ashford is on this site.

Half the beytches in Pocatello would sell you they puss for a crack rock. Wha the fuck u talkin bout nigga.


no they wouldn't.

More sneakers

i haven't had sex for 20 years. yes you are right. i suffer every day.

good thing about living in this era is that we're close to simulated sex I mean look at vrchat, you can have a full relationship with someone without ever knowing what they look like

>that's a 5-6/10

mate she's at least a 7 or 8 in my book.

>but don't burden it on people irl
this is a lie that a lot of people tell themselves. they lack the confidence, and the overpowering fear of death. the lack of confidence is also the very reason they cant get girls.

if you're not natural with girls then i advice that you focus on education so you can start making good $. Girls come easily after that. If you cant even manage that then you're fucked.

>i haven't had sex for 20 years. yes you are right. i suffer every day.
I am guessing your net worth is

shes way above average so def not a 5. no more than a 7 either.

graduate with a doctorate in a week.

I think she looks fine