My dream is to work from my computer and get enough money that I can pay my rent...

My dream is to work from my computer and get enough money that I can pay my rent. What kind of ways are there to make money on the ikternet? Does anyone here make their money online?

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Onlyfans. Post body to see if you have potential.

Are you female?

Yes, but I don't want to do that

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Then go the Belle Delphine route. Become the dream of incels and tease them with feet pics. Then just sell your bath water and become a millionaire.

you just gotta find your niche. assuming you already have some sort of skill or talent this should be easy to figure out. the hard part is monetizing it and is really just down to your own business skills.

I don't want to do anything sexual in nature, I think it's a bit shameful

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There are plenty of online opportunities that don't involve sex or nudity or chatting with idiots. You can start with very little capital and run from an app as long as you have internet access. There's plenty of money to be made online if you really want to

Get on Twetch (not twitch, Twetch) and you'll realize this will be possible very soon

Insurance claims handling.

Buy Xactware 28, get a 0620 License, read up on negotiation. Cash money.

This. You need some programming skills, but the information is available online.

you can market an app that helps businesses find customers. With so many people at home, it's going to explode once the lockdowns are lifted. It's what I'm starting to do.
I'm this user

>programming skills

>My dream is to work from my computer and get enough money that I can pay my rent.
I'm a software engineer and I've been confined to my apartment ever since the pandemic started. Believe me, you do not want this. Find yourself an essential job that gets you out of the house. Stay safe of course, but don't aim to spend 8+ hours a day in front of a computer.

That's why I recommend an app that you can run from anywhere you have internet. You're not chained to home

How did you get started with that?

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Dude just get some cybersecurity related certificates and you can get a job like mine which is basically reading emails all day, pays 70k

I'm from Finland, don't think that is an option here

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What’s your job m8?
Anything to look for?

Been trying different things for years because I know there's lots of money to be made online. Met a hyperactive ADD dude that is the CEO of a marketing and advertising company. He is recruiting people to run and expand his biz with a low initial investment. I got into it because the app, training, and knowledge behind it was the best I'd seen. It's easy to sell the idea and app to people. I like it so far

>low initial investment
I don't know if it's a language barrier thing but sounds a bit scammy

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Go get your certifications for
After that shouldn't be hard to find a tech job where you can work from home.

I know a few trading/finance jobs are work from home only

Get cfa/caia

If you’re into the programming end, fringe trading algorithms should be less exploitable and a more constant stream of profits. Learn more about handling big data with ML.

Another is online tutoring if you really don’t like much else and were at least a little good at school

No business is started without some kind of capital. The ones that offer you something for nothing are the ones you should be careful with

I'm looking into these now

I'm 20 so I don't have money anyway

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Just say you ugly

I started with about $200

PFFFF yeah if you want to reset passwords all day for boomers.
If you want a real tech job from a cert, start with a CISSP

I'm not ugly I just don't want my family to see me on the internet with no clothes on. I don't think there's that much morally wrong with it, it's the social stigma

Also I have a boyfriend

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Its an option to consider. I'm an accountant and insurance adjuster, leave the house on my schedule to document losses but otherwise get to work from home.

The trick to adjusting? Understand GAAP. No one can argue your estimate if you can throw accounting at them, because almost no adjusters understand how accrual works, even fewer can understand when you apportion project costs under POH rates.

Easy, go into IT. Focus down the path of cloud services mainly azure stack and become a modern workplace consultant. Earn 180k per year , work wherever there's a internet connection. profit!!

CS or cis degree. Put in a couple of years. Make bank... get to work with other autists.

It's really not hard to do. Most of the shit you see online is BS scams. Get certifications and a degree and you can get a real job easily. Ive found you can make more on site, but if you want to be a hermit you could work from home and still make plenty.

>what are your marketable skills?
Hows your resume? Work history? Education?

Why should someone hire you?

If you dont have a long list of reasons why, start there. Dont expect your dream job out of the gate. But if you put in the work and are persistent it will pay off in the long run.

I would urge you not to be a cam whore, and develope an actual skill.. That's not a good path to go.

Find someone that is in a place you wish to be one day and ask them how they did it.

Dont expect it to be easy though.

I Ive old friends that ask how did you get X or do Y, and I tell them exactly how.

"Thats hard though"

Is a common response. Dont be that guy. If you aspire for something, you can achieve it, but great reward is associated with long term effort and performance. Not 'easy ways out'.

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Friend of mine is young early 20's, super attractive, hosts game servers. Insane money from donations. Can start small but need to invest more eventually for better hardware, also need to have good experience in w/e games you want to host. Programming/backend ability helps, not critical but the more you can do yourself the more you'll make.

Then ask your boyfriend to get a job and simp for you loser

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