OPERATION YELLOW FLASH: it’s time to bring Yas Forums back to its former glory

OPERATION YELLOW FLASH: it’s time to bring Yas Forums back to its former glory.

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When does operation kill yourself begin?


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are you really siding with the zoomers? stop being a pornfag. there are boards for porn. it’s time for a better Yas Forums.

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>A push is being made
I will support however I can, my yellow pictures are limited to dbz however.
Godspeed user.

Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact

does anyone feel that the coomers come to Yas Forums because the porn boards are under-populated?


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You're alright dickhead.

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Dude: the internet is full of porn-free sites - literally gazillions of them. Go use one of those. people come here to Yas Forums because they like to look at porn and other silliness.

Go away: no one likes you and I fucked your Mom last nite, and posted the pictures here.

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kys fagg0t

No faggot. Go you're newfag, tranny liking, BBC loving, fuck self somewhere else.

Take my bump, comrade

Long live Yas Forums
Death to coomers!

Man, I've been seeing these threads for years...

Bumpity bump

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this is what, the 4th time you've been trying this? I actually made OC for the second one, but it's fucking tired and the coomers won't change. You can't raid their threads. You can only spam the same lameass yellow memes and hope you piss off the coomtards enough to go to their own boards, where they then countertroll and fuck up yours.

TLDR you're a faggot and these threads are pointless, if well intentioned as well

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Got my vote!

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fuck off nigger

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just made another thread

take the bump


Stop posting wildly sexy impregnated anime girls and start posting in other threads you stupid idiots.

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Anyone who literally cares truly on here is either a newfag or is such a incel that this is the only control they think they have in their lives

>That this

I don't know how to feel about this, somewhere between disappointment and annoyance, you guys think that 5 or so threads is just going to magically push all the porn threads off of Yas Forums? You know the ones with the highest bump rate? Those threads?
All you do is bump actual threads off while the coomer who is in the middle of posting his 20 pic creepshot feet collection doesn't even notice what is going on outside.
Oh and on the off chance that one of you is smart(dumb) enough to post in the actual commer threads what the hell do you think is actually going to happen? Do you honestly think a coomer is going to say "oh gee I guess I'm wrong time to stop fapping go to /s/ and resume there"? Do you think that the sight of a single yellow image in a thread is going to be an annoyance enough for them to decide grind the thread to a halt?
Face it, in their eyes you are a mere microsecond of distraction from the task at hand, they don't even register your shitty yellow images before they're onto their next dick to rate.
You used to be the trolls that could bring down anything with the power of ingenuity and camaraderie, now you can't even deal with a bunch of simpleton losers on your own damn board.
0/10 Yas Forums
apply yourself

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fellow user, i understand. it’s going to be a hit or a miss. to destroy the coomers, it will require lots of time. and there will be failed attempts like in everything. but it’s better to try then let it rot.

Don't fucking sympathize jackass, united front.

You faggots have failed every other time you tried this shit, same old shit "Yellow boards guys we'll win this time guys" this time you'll be successful for sure guys.

Quit self-hating you're a fucking degenerate like the rest of us. KEK we all know you're going to fail again, cucked for the millionth time yellow fags, but hey try again in a couple of months when you rile up the next batch of new frogs.
