She is not hot

She is not hot

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grow up

Can't help but feel bad for her.

You should, we're due a 27 Club... You know damn well they'll pick her. But it's an age of exploitation so you'll at least get the nudes before the coroner cleans the cocaine out of her nose.

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Of course not, she's legal now.

Yeah. She is not hot.
Who is she anyway?

Those fucking nails are disgusting

never was or will be

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That's half the appeal

Not my type either. That being said, let people enjoy things.

I respectfully disagree. She's super average

Next year it will be Justin Bieber.

Shed look decent if she didn't dress like a homeless witch

You say that in this place? This is a haven for those who post and comment like a middle schooler.

I like her. I feel as tho we are connected somehow (me and her). I daydream about having to hide our realationshio from the paparazzi b/c she’s under age (but I suppose I don’t have to worry about that now)


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I like her like that i like her like thaaaaaaaatttttt

ffs she is clueless

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She's going to die young and become the martyr of this generation.


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They did it with Kurt Cobain. We need another sacrifice.

I have another conspiracy theory: Elon musk is a rat!!!!

Ever hear of the skaven from the war hammer universe???? Well he’s one of those. Go ahead, debate me! Or ama

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Is she supposed to be?

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trips fucking wasted on this... fuck you


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She's just full and comfy.
Got rich, ate a lot.

Isn’t that weird. A shaven rat posing as a billionaire in our universe!?!?

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Fat White Trash. She looks like her name should be Krystal with a K.

Mediocrity sells. Look around you.

If a chubby dude dresses up like the Hulk in a playboy mansion night gown, he'd be executed by real men (bbc). However, if a chubby girl does the same thing then you all adore her?

Fuck you Yas Forums

She looks like a fucking retard wtf

I'd still bust in her.

>Look around you.

And I see Mediocrity buying as well...

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