What's your drug of choice Yas Forums?

What's your drug of choice Yas Forums?

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Well the drug I do the most is of course weed but out of all the drugs I've tried (not many) I liked doing shrooms the most. I'm open to trying cocaine only once as I heard its the best feeling but I wouldn't go out of my way to get some.


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Good coke is the tits

I personally like tramadol. And 50mg usually does the trick. Maybe 75mg. I’ve tried hydrocodone too and oxycodone but must just be my brain chemistry....I like tramadol better. No idea why. Could it be the possible SNRI properties it also has? Who knows.


Been smoking it all day

Also ripped some Oxy and had a little bit a crack

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Honestly, just a nice alcohol buzz. Not too much, not too little.


oh but you will.

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Anything that will kill the pain.

oxymorphone (opana) 40mg. I cant stop railing now my respiratory system is fucked.

I can't make it past 2 days on suboxone, the mental addiction is real.

Ketkat on the down side of a acid trip.

Drugs I've Tried: Alcohol, Weed, LSD, Psilocybin Mushrooms, DMT, Norcos, Adderall, Vyvanse, Tarmadol, IV Morphine, IV Dilaudid

Favorite: Definitely weed. Drinking gives me a headache, and makes me feel dizzy most of the time.
LSD is by far the best psychedelic due to its duration and ease of control over the experience.
Shrooms to me aren't worth stomaching unless you can brew a tea, and DMT lasts too little time
for it to be of any recreational use.

Least Favorite: Opiates and their derivatives. Most of the opioids I took were in a hospital setting, and over time
I began to associate the high with suffering. They make me feel retarded and incapable of doing
anything. Truly a class of drugs for sad and or worthless individuals.

If i could have may way, oxycodone and LSD. Spacing our oxycodone to once or twice a month. But i can’t get any Oxy as of now :/

Flintstones Chewables

A million strong....and growinggg

acid. was weed for a while, till I spent two years microdosing in uni. i fuckin killed it. hasn't left me either. probably brain damage. we demand a cure for pancakes

what does oxycodone/oxymorphone feels like

do you know about Flintstones chewable botnet?

like weak heroin that lasts about as long as crack cocaine

Wed because you can do it all day everyday.

But my favourite for the pure effects, would be MDMA, handsdown. Ket for seshing/chilling smoking weed. MDMA for partying. Coke is okay but really overated and overpriced.


depends what i want to do
if i want to have an adventure- psychedelics
if i want to have pleasure- M
if i want to chill - codeine

>Drugs I've Tried: Alcohol, Weed, LSD, Psilocybin Mushrooms, DMT, Norcos, Adderall, Vyvanse, Tarmadol, IV Morphine, IV Dilaudid
>Favorite: Definitely weed.
fucking troll

coke is boring. MDMA hits so fucking hard and feels better

>if i wanted to have anal sex with anonymous old men in a seedy bathhouse

oh, you mean glorified meth

coke is really the shittest drug imho
MDMA is fucking great, I like to take it also in non-party situations, had the best epiphanies of my life; also amazing for chats

I heard that coke feels like a minor opiate buzz but like you had 3 cups of coffee with it. Any truth to that?

Oxycodone yes

But actually oxymorphone is stronger than heroine. Fentynl - oxymorphone - heroine

try fucking on it with a person you love

seems about accurate

4MMC for fun and horn
Mix in some ket for the wonk, giggles and mind space
Mix in some 2cb to high five God.

can he hard getting it up for most

foxy if i want to knock my cock on some skeeze in a club or have some wicked bad sex.

gamadon-6 if i want to think everything is marvelous and beautiful while passing cars all smile at me and the sunshine follows me throughput eternity.

if you don't know who Shulging is then your preference for drugs is pedestrian and your opinion is blind conjecture.

use to tweak, not now its just weed

only works if you are very comfortable with your partner. but when it does its like Viagra

I like to pop zopiclone until I pass out for 2 days straight

I know people like you, and I don't like them
Coke and smack together in a barrel is my choice

>3.5g blow
>1g good MDMA
>2 x 0.75g joints
>~3-4g mushrooms depending on potency
>18 beers

That’s a quality evening

Does nic count?

Meth and heroin are both 10x better than coke in my professional opinion.

i honestly don't know what people see in coke, for that price its a fucking robbery

Do you know about Call n’ Oates at (719) 266-2847

I think it is has something to do with the way it's been glorified over the years.