Why is PC gaming such shit?

Why is PC gaming such shit?
>Get bored
>Want to play HOI4
>Open PC
>Open PC
>Open PC
>Open Steam
>Steam has to update
>3 hours later come back
>Open HOI4
>Update HOI4
>Come back 4 hours later
>Internet connection lost. Please restart download
>Turn on Xbox
>Into a match in less than 20 seconds
It’s not even a competition

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upgrade your PC

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an xbox is a PC

I bought it brand new 4 months ago. PC gaming is shit

>Open PC
What? It's not a fucking mailbox why are you opening your computer

A much much better one

Because it crashes nonstop

No user

YOUR pc is trash. Spend some actual money on a good PC and you won't experience any of the problems you mentioned.

No user I do not face ANY of the problems you mentioned because I built a GOOD computer.

Maybe you got fucked over.

Trips of truth.

i play on xbox too, but no they are shit compared to PCs.

you have a trash box
kill yourself

>I bought it brand new 4 months ago
hahahahaha probably bought a pre-built one from Wal-Mart

PC is for VNs

Most likely OP isnt a native english speaker. They meant turning it on. "ouvrir l'ordinateur" would litterally translated to "open computer" in english, even though it doesnt carry the same meaning.

well yea if your just a casual gamer pc will seem like a chore

just win the lottery so you can buy a gtx 50000 with led lights and enough ram to make up an entire family of human brains so you won't have to upgrade it for another year!

get a better pc fag

I’ve been trying to open a game made in 2016 for 3 days. If you have to update your launcher just to be allowed to update your game, just know your product is shit.

hey retard do you have 3KB download speed? steam takes fast to update
>muh cant play hoi4
refer to or get the fuck over it

Shit game not shit gaming system

your computer is just shit, i can play games just fine and i have a shitty flaptop with an amd igpu

I don't think owning a PC is for you


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Just play a older version of hoi4. They're better then the newer versions anyway.

It's like Eu4. Every patch they just fuck people who wanna do a World Conquest.

Low iq gaming, yikes.

Updates and bad internet connection are not issues that are fixed by a good pc you fucking neanderthal

Fucking trash game

stop uninstalling drivers

No but all those "crashes" would be. Fuck even the bad connection could be because of a shit computer. COULD.

I don't care who games where but this sounds like a moron who probably can't operate a microwave.

all u really have to do in that situation is to overclock your motherboard op


You need to flash the x69 bios on your soundcard fan


>I bought it brand new 4 months ago. PC gaming is shit
Bought a PC

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>I'm a computer illiterate
>PC gaming is shit
once you learn few things there is virtually no limit in what you can do with it, you pleb. if your stupid stick to console.

Ok user what are your specs

what specs have to with anything? OP doesn't know how to use it to begin with

Gotta update shit on consoles too.

Maybe you just have a shit computer.

if your memory runs faster u don't need to do anything

Literally no one else is having your problem. Sounds like you're just really fucking stupid or fucked up your computer somehow cause you're a fucking mongoloid.

How are you so casual killing yourself :x

get rid of your toaster, get a decent gaming rig.

>PC crashes twice before booting
>steam has 3 hour update time
this sounds like issues that you have, steam updates for me take like 5 seconds, also games still have to update on xbox

So you're telling me, before you even started to game or open steam, your computer crashed what, 2 times?

I mean, even if you were using a computer for something other than gaming, that's highly irregular. I only ever see that level of fuckup when the user is to blame. Like really bad software on the machine or some ridiculous setting/hardware messup.

Sounds like you can't even run a normal computer and function it at a Facebook Karen level.

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Have fun paying for games on console, versus getting everything for free on PC

Have fun paying for internet AND a online subscription, versus just internet

Have fun at that...

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