If you could make any rule for cute college girls in order to satisfy your fetish, what would it be...

If you could make any rule for cute college girls in order to satisfy your fetish, what would it be, and what's the punishment for not following it?

bonus points for having different punishments for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd offences

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Easy, I am your God...or death.

Every girl should be barefoot

any punishments?

All there clothes will be taken away and have to be naked outdoors

there should be some feet related punishments too

They'll be tied down and have there feet tickled

are you into smelly feet?


Girls will be required to set up social media accounts to whore out their feet. They must make fresh oc at least 7 times a week and a failure to do so will get them sent to a facility where they spend all day being forced to give footjobs.

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i'd want some rule where the girl has her shoes and socks decided by guys in her class. also how often she can change or wash them

what counts as fresh oc? just feet pics?
would they be immobilized at the facility?

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As long as they post pictures of their feet, accepting all the comments that come with it - they will be fine. However, they must put some effort into the pictures - lazy and blurred photos would get you sent off to the facility, where yes, they would be tied and gagged, forced to watch as their feet get fucked.

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I love asian feets post moar

what kinds of comments would they receive?
another idea could be to have a "fap counter" next to each picture. each time a guy cums to a picture of her feet the counter goes up by one

what rules would you make?

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This is the most cancerous reoccurring thread.


what about for the shy girls who dont even have instagram and barely use social media?

Too bad, off to the foot gulag.

what did you think of

Sounds solid. Could even make it a competition to get the most upnuts.

i would add something extra for the shy girls who barely used social media before. these girls have to sell their used socks on their accounts too

they must bathe in hair dye often enough to maintain an unnatural skintone (pic related). no punishment as i like a good mix anyway

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if she reaches a certain number of upnuts she should automatically get sent to the gulag


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Every girl must stuff her pants pockets with celery at all times. I don't mean like having a stalk or two. The seams of her pants should be ready to fucking burst from having so much celery in her pockets. Any girl caught with empty pockets will be made the sex slave of a random male chosen by lottery. For one week she is forced to do whatever her celedaddy commands her to do. Upon completion of her term she is whipped across her breasts with celery stalks and then released.

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No, every girl should wear stockings or pantyhose. And then ride my face.

I feel like threads like these (not unlike wwyd threads) are a fetish in itself.

The opies get off on hearing about how other guys get off.

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