Tell us yours

Tell us yours

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One time I stuck my foot down as far as it would down the toilet and masturbated to that. The nut was fucking KINO.

I jerk off using my younger sister dirty panties, and talk with strangers about how I'd like to fuck her.

Years ago I may or may not have goten off to moving picture represantations of people who may or may not be able to give consent having things done to them by a dog. I don't do that anymore but it's probably the most fucked up thing I've done in my life and absolutely can't tell anyone ever without being ostracized from society.

Guess im confused? Were they strapped down?

Go on....

What more do you want me to tell? (I'm the one with the younger sis)


How old?

She's 19, I've been doing it since 5 years ago

Well, how would you like to fuck her? Describe her, take us on a journey bud.

Any other stories? Gotta be some shareable moments

It's better on chat one to one, leave Kik wickr or something if you want

I've been browsing omegle for guys to jerk off with all day but have been too afraid to actually do it.

I lost my virginity to a donkey back in 1998.

My girlfriend is 12 years younger then I am and yes shes over 18.

I am the antichrist. One of the possible candidates anyway. Unlikely contender given the financial and social standing of the host, honestly. As it happens though, this one is exceptional in ways that arent easily quantifiable. Sort of like if you were hiring generals for a war that turned out to be the first cold war because of nuclear weapons development. You'd be looking for skills that went with a different war like the old ones and find great generals when the new war selected for them by making failures of the old guard.

One of the greatest hurdles I foresaw was surpassed yesterday. My human emotions had been twisting my perception for long. I did a test to determine the real extent of my power and found the 3rd dimension to be equally ethereal but by a completely novel approach. Synchronicity is the is the thread that yields dominion in this dimension. The flesh is a slave to it. The wills of the people are subject to its whim and servants of its master.
We were sent to find the lock. We have all the keys.
>now I have found the lock
They will come for now. Both of them.

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I'm 28 and a simp to a 16 yo girl

I feel sorry for you.

Kik- spicolistromboli

That's sad, have you considered suicide?

i'm the real antichrist, you're just some poser

Of course

My cousin told me she thinks shes a lesbian.

It's your duty to show her she's wrong

Actual true story inbound
>be me
>17 at the time
>beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him
>pathological fear of girls since middle school, when some bitch mind fucked me
>have a younger sister, 16 at this time
>my sister is boy crazy, really wants to date someone
>announces that she's "seeing someone"
>father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>few days later, brings the dude home
>tall, scrawny kid with brown hair and glasses
>visibly nervous
>my father and I sit down and tell him that he's "walked into the courtroom"
>discuss for a few minutes
>they go out
>dad tells me "it isn't going to last"
>sis comes home
>announces it was "fun"
>around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated a college girl
>she's worried that he secretly wants this college girl back
>about a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother
>"We're not a thing anymore"
>tell my father this
>laughs uncontrollably
>mfw my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down.

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Believe me I want to but it's not that easy because she has been abused when she was younger which has made her scared of guy's.

Fear is a helluva motivator bud, this makes it easier for you.

I'm not that good at skribblio but it's because im using a touchpad thing on my laptop NOT because I'm retarded

Awful story for a repost

trips o' troof

My secret sucks but it's real.
>be me, about a year ago
>horny and curious, hit up a chubby crossdresser dude on a craigslist-replacement site offering anonymous head to anyone
>almost chicken out but go through with it, head over
>he's nice, i get head in his living room and then end up fucking him up the ass really hard (with condom)
>instant regret washes over me, say thanks, take off
>decide i'll get over it, no big deal
>fast forward a few months
>browsing pornhub, search for my city for the first time, never thought of it before
>see the same crossdresser, recognize the living room
>he has an entire channel with a hidden cam recording him blowing and fucking dudes
>a lot of them
>click on all of them and discover im literally on one of the videos
>shows my face and fucking everything
I've contacted him several times, no reply. I have no idea how to get it the fuck off there before someone i dont want to see it views it.
I've contemplated just going to his condo and beating him but that still wouldn't get it off his channel unless i force him somehow and i'd end up in jail.
Don't want to call the cops and don't want to file a DMCA request because it's me fucking some dude up the goddamn ass.
The only good thing is the video still has very few views. But it also feels like only a matter of time before one of my degenerate friends runs into it on accident.


There are many here who are sent for the same assignment. None are the real one yet.

You may never get the true spirit of the 'chan. We are nihilistic anarchists, with a twist. We don't give a fuck if you were the lonely nerdy faggot. We just want to watch the world burn…

lol not a chance, im sorry.

Pretty good post honestly. How high quality is it? If your face isnt super visible, I wouldn't worry about it.

Im a semi reputable photographer in the new york area and some jew dad paid me money to get nudes of his wannabe model daughter. I felt bad but i did it

I killed someone with a hammer

Was she good? Do you save stuff like that?

That's the part that worries me. You're right, if my face wasn't visible i wouldn't stress it too much. I'd still be really fucking annoyed but that's it.
However unfortunately very early in the video as we get in the living room i literally look right at the camera. And I remember it too, it was his laptop and it was playing some straight porn and we both commented on it as i gave it a good look.
The rest of the video isn't even that exciting, it's just some guy (me) getting head then some fiddling with condom and lube and fucking him over the couch. For that part my face is actually cut out, thankfully, but still doesn't matter since im on there making a dorky stupid face at the beginning.

Yeah she was cute and yeah i saved it

I haven't fapped in 97 days

Found out in a cuck thread on here that my friend wants me to fuck his girl

Yeah, that would concern me as well... the longer it lingers, the more of a chance it has to spread and become permanent on the web. I would think about doing something about it. Not as brash as beating them to a pulp, but idk... if not, just try to let it go and forget about it I guess

I've showered with a cute 9yo girl quite a few times