We can no longer trust or vote for Trump

We can no longer trust or vote for Trump.

It's Over.

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If China IS interfering with our elections to get the Democrats elected, so what? Trump sucks.

He will win in a landslide. And sage

inb4 boomer crap, kid, etc

>And sage
>the twoof hurts my feewings

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You could NEVER trust this idiot!

Stated without any rhyme or reason. Definitely a leftie meme.

>I don't even know why i defend this dipshit
spoken like a true trump humper

lock him up

Why did you ever think you could fucking trust him? He’s never articulated a consistent, cohesive platform in literally any area of policy.

I’m all for getting trump out of office, the question I have is what will fill his void????

in four more years it will be overrrrrrr

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you'll still be living with mom longer than 4 years

I really hope his presidency ends in a violent coup rather than by him being beaten by Biden. The whole world is destabilized right now, we have the perfect chance to rise up and make the structural changes that are desperately needed within the next 5 years in order for the world not to be irrevocably fucked up. Neoliberalism needs to die, I don’t want to be a perpetual renter for the rest of my life

>ends in a violent coup
those fucking goobers will be picked off one by one by the ATF if they try any shit

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Consider buying a house, it will solve your renting issues

>neoliberalism got us trump

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what aren't you fucking closeted faggots afraid of?

Yea but the upper military establishment by and large hates dealing with him, even if they outwardly parrot some of his talking points. If a few key military leaders formulated some kind of conspiracy along with Democratic Party and congressional leadership it could absolutely work. US generals might express support for him since their jobs and influence depend on it, but a lot of them are potential Stauffenbergs in the making

Lol wrekt

And we would be right back to the status quo.

humiliating themselves, evidently

Like for instance, the German aristocratic officer class in ww2 supported Hitler because most of them were already conservative nationalists to varying extents but they still eventually came to view him as inept. Not trying to compare Trumpism to Nazism by any means, just a similar dynamic in that specific way

I can't, I have an irresponsible credit history, but it's the credit card companies fault not mine.

Yeah but I doubt they’d just stay there and create some kinda junta, they’re not stupid enough to think that that would work. They’d probably just depose him and then leave

keep crying you hopeless little fucking weenie

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It's not over.
It wasn't over in 2016.
It wasn't over in 2017.
It wasn't over in 2018.
It wasn't over in 2019.
And it's still not over in 2020.

You liberal cunts never shut the fuck up. You keep bitching, crying, complaining, throwing temper tantrums, spreading your hate all over the world. Keep crying! President Trump will be reelected this year and there isn't a fucking thing you can do about it. :)

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Y'know, I don't like him either, but if there's one thing that could possibly convince me to vote for him in November, it's the faggot that keeps posting these threads over and over again, contributing absolutely nothing to the board.
"It's over."
Learn new words, holy shit. Tell us why it's over. Explain your reasoning. You're so perfectly boring. Fuck you.

The military doesn't want to take over user. They like blowing up and bombing shit and blaming it on the President. They're probably ok with Trump.

No longer?
You actually trusted that pathological liar at one point?

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i hate Yas Forums threads , this could have been a cucked thread

Well...trump may go away. But the people who put him in power, and the chuckle-heads that approve of his (cough) policies - those folks are NOT going away. Even when Trump is gone, there will be rich fucks telling us they are above the law, and racists telling us Mexicans will pay for the wall.

What is over is our American heritage of democracy, our "land of plenty", and our cushy standard of living.

We are fucked.

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We only been shut down for a month you pussy ass bitches.

Oh please expand on this for us


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More like you're as big of an insecure fag as trump is because of how fucking up this bad

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I’m not liberal.

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trumpfags literally only vote for him bc he pwns liberals

you are empty
you will always be empty

How’s that bump stock ban?
Where’s your wall?
He fave Israel more aid

Y'all do know all these division threads are Russian shills? They're all over Yas Forums, white vs black, gay vs straight, men vs women, cuck and BBC threads trying to emasculate western men. And you all fucking fall for it. So fuck this shiteating Putin cocksucker and let this thread and all threads like this die.


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>To America
>yours truly
>rest of the world

Nice try china. But biden raped a woman and Trump is the GOAT.

that's exactly why he must be re elected

Dubya was a C student and Trump has been called Fucking Moron by his own cabinet. What genius will the next R nominee be? Surely we've hit rock bottom with FOX News Grandpa at the helm?

I guess any of the 40% of Americans who think toddler president is doing a bang-up job would qualify as even dunber than moron in chief.

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So, lemme get this straight 'murica, 4 years ago you elected a complete buffoon, mainly because his opponent was an odious unlikeable piece of shit. Now you have a choice between the same buffoon and a senile old rapist.
>muh democracy

TFW you realize the election is between a Russian shill and a Chinese shill but it doesn't matter because Americans are and have always been too fucking stupid to vote in favor of their own interests so things will pretty much carry on as usual regardless of outcome.

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Can you fucking queer hawks shut the fuck up about trump already?

Trump 2024

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Not gonna vote for biden

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>your retard media apparently didn't inform you that 25 women accused trump of rape. and 1 child.

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When did Yas Forums become a right-wing evangelical hangout?

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it's funny when you jews accuse biden of being "the rapist"

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No no you don't understand. Everything orange man bad is fake news, haven't you heard?

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Around the time the travon Martin trial was going on

he's finished this time

Where the fuck have you been Yas Forumsro? It's always been this.

Here's my fantasy: Biden picks a progressive VP (maybe Warren) to balance the ticket, wins the election, promptly croaks, and we end up with a change candidate despite the centrist DBC and corporate media putting their thumbs on the scales for Biden.

I don't think it matters that Biden is boring. Trump can no longer point to the economy and has no other accomplishments aside from a tax cut that exclusively benefited rich people.

yes, yes JIDF! TELL THEM

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>but they're BOTH rapists
Nice comeback champ

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