Hey Yas Forums this shiteater is posting child pornography so report the fuck out of him. Thanks

Hey Yas Forums this shiteater is posting child pornography so report the fuck out of him. Thanks.

Attached: 71E0C629-6595-4F81-A82E-AACCD0022E64.png (750x1334, 1.03M)

Not your personal army, nigger faggot.

Thanks for the sauce bro

Just seen this shit fucked up reported his ass people need to report this shit get this dirty pedo arrested

Stop replying to yourself faggot

Kid was probably asking for it.

where the fuck do you think we are?
back in my day Yas Forums would have cheese pizza threads up for until they hit the bump limit.

fuck off faggot.

Sharing CP.

>asking for support in feud with another nigger

Larp harder nigger

Why is it still up pretty sure its been reported a shit load of times

Literally a baby tho

Fuck knows this guy got that and a dude fucking an animal on there too he's fucked in the head

wait which one is the baby fucking one? I'm seeing one with a kid in a highchair but don't understand why it's an edgy video.

Lower down there’s one with a guy shoving his dick into two kids throats,

You can try be edgy and say that that isn’t, but no one thinks you are.

Fuck off with the shutty self promotion. Only people on fucking Instagram are stupid enough to fall for this.



Attached: 676FDA78-1AF9-4D09-9C26-9879343431FF.jpg (250x393, 31.61K)

"fall for" this?

That shit was posted a month ago why is this shit still up

god is dead.


It wouldn't let me report the account! Wtf?!

Fucking retard

Insta jannies too busy creaming to babby rape

Illuminarty konferm’d

Pizza gate exposed

Instagram moderation is basically nonexistent atm due to the virus but I am surprised this is still up.

Just wait a few seconds after reporting does do it

It's fucked watched a mw2 no russian video was taken down the same day but this shit stays up for weeks it's disgusting

I hope this nigger gets fucking decapitated

Just reported his dirty ass to the FBI and iwf

He doesn't appear on insta anymore when I search for him, does that mean it worked?

This is his main go report

Attached: AED3285C-140E-417D-951C-96033771F3E5.jpg (749x504, 148.04K)

>look at followers
>Find girls
>Hit them up
>They're just as sick as we are. ;)

Still comes up on mine

No faggit