I have schizoaffective bipolar type which is similar to schizophrenia and in some ways more intense...

I have schizoaffective bipolar type which is similar to schizophrenia and in some ways more intense. I experience extreme paranoia, bouts of depression/ mania, and even hallucinations on occasion. Though I am heavily medicated I still experience symptoms at times.

AMA..if you want to

Also schizophrenia/ mental illness general

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ok nigger

God made me a schizo

That isn't a question it is a statement.

Oh yeah?

What's the best way to stop someone from making impulsive descisions during a manic episode? without making them feel weird

That's a good attitude to have user. Mental illness makes us unique and even gives us special talents in some cases. Unfortunately for me I used my abilities to break the law and deceive others for my own personal gain. I feel better now that I am more stable though. I have a better quality of life in general.

I haven't been diagnosed but am sure I also have schizoaffective depressive type. Not much is said about it or what to do about so I've tried lots of different types of supplements and things and the only thing that made me feel close to normal was this drug called galantamine. Galantamine lowered acetylcholinesterase and somehow targets the alpha 7 nicotinic receptor which has been getting investigated for it's relation to schizophrenia. Muscarinic receptors are getting a little attention now too interestingly. The downside to it was I guess I accidentally overdosed on it, and had a severe reaction and made my symptoms way worse for 2 weeks.I was taking it every day where as I should've maybe only taken it like 2-4 times a month. I think in between the times you take it maybe it wouldve been better to try using centrophenoxine or alpha gpc on the day's I didn't take galantamine. Im extremely sensitive to all drugs and even foods and things for some reason. But I would recommend not using the medications they try to give you cause it always makes it worse

Personally now that I am medicated I constantly question my mania and paranoia and consult with one of my housemates to see if what I'm thinking is normal. Just approach them without being condescending and say that maybe the decisions they're making might not be logical. Also there is no way to STOP a person from doing anything but you can deter them with a little precision and skillful language.

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Yeah i understand it's almost impossible to change someones mind thank you for the advice though it helps.

Self-medicating is dangerous even if you have good intentions, go to a licensed psych doctor to get your meds prescribed instead of experimenting on your own.


whats the most intense experience you lived?

I'm definitely not a special snowflake if that's what you're getting at. I'm not the only schizophrenic in the world lol. I just wanted to start a thread pertaining to mental illness.

you are being manipulative. even your post is manipulative. if you want to free your mind the understand this.

you are alone

your house mate is not materially 'real'

you can get trapped manipulating the unreal

you can free your self by manipulating only your self.

concentrate only on you

u trippin man?

I fully hallucinated a young girl taking pictures of me in a car once, I drove by the car just to check and it was empty. Either that or getting robbed at gunpoint in a bad part of Flint. I have other experiences from when I was working in security and taxiing but I'll post those in a bit.

damn, how it feels getting robbed? Never happened to me

Bro my housemate is a real lol I stay in a 3/4 house. I didn't mention I also have a history of substance abuse which led to my current situation in some ways. How am I being manipulative by starting a civil discussion?

OP, how did you first know that you were a schizophrenic?
Good topic by the way. And good on you for answering people's questions, it's important to educate about these things.

It's like pure adrenaline. My heart has never pounded so fast in my life. I felt like everything was moving slow because my movements and thoughts were so fast. Ultimately the bastard got away with my phone and a broken tablet, I'm just glad I left the situation alive. I had never appreciated life more than after that situation.

I'm watching you from outside your window do you see me, yet? I'll keep checking in on you and your gas lines.

Yeah it's dangerous if your retarded. Plus I use extreme caution when ever trying something. And I don't try anything that's really dangerous. Im just trying to find the most natural ways to remedy my shit. Wether that's changing my diet to trying supplements or trying nootropics.Also what I've done is basically the same as going to the doctor when they run you through a giant list of medications that don't actually work and barely help with your problem. I've gotten better results for myself than any of these shitty doctors trying to push pharmacy bullshit drugs that they've been using from the 60s that they know don't work. Fuck that. I mean look at how anti depressants only work 10% above placebo. They don't know how the neuro chemistry works still and they barely care or are to retarded to figure it out. I think im better off.

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I'm currently in a mental hospital ama

Unfortunately it took me going to jail and then to the state hospital after pleading insanity in court to get a proper diagnosis. I stole a gun from my father if you were curious about what I did.

I really don't know how to approach your post. You seem misguided. I'm not saying you're wrong so much as I am confused about your intent. You seem like you're trying to be hurtful based on your picture but perhaps you are just hurting internally yourself. You may want to consider at least consulting with a psychiatric professional to at least get another person's perspective on how you're doing.

What substances you abused?

I used the Idiocracy meme cause I feel like that's how society is even more so today.
Lol sorry but I just despise the current state of doctors and shit claiming they're trying to help you but really are just making money off your illness and not actually helping anybody. Im not mad at your or anything im just fed up with in general that and current society. I have my own problems with the schizoaffective thing but im definitely managing a lot better than with the doctors. They wouldn't even recognize my illness they kept trying to tell me im just depressed and shove medication on me. They didn't listen to a word I said and treated me like a child who never had a critical thought in they're life.

Oh boy...where to start


shit tbh I did anything I could get my hands on, but crack really brought me to my fucking knees man.

ufff, weed,shrooms and acid i fuck with that, the other is baaaad really. Trippin balls rn, any thought to share?


You really think you're special, don't you?

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Oh got it. Well it sounds like you're managing pretty well I just personally needed doctors to prescribe me medications to deal with my disorder, but what works for me might not work for you.

I hope you enjoy your trip, just be careful user. I hope you feel one with the universe

No I just think there is a negative stigma towards the mentally ill in modern society.