Anyone else drunk right now?

Anyone else drunk right now?

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Yes. New Amsterdam though

Good shit man I’m about to go smoke some weed and take my buzz to the next level

Hey I used to drink burnettes back when I made shit money. Booze is booze my friend

Getting there user, getting there

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Hell yeah Yas Forumsrotha

What should I make next?

Monkey 47 Gin and Soda
Tito’s and Soda
Mezcal straight

Rent is due tomorrow. You fags can afford to drink? Must be nice.

Got a mortgage. And Coronavirus got me a mortgage holiday, and time off work. Scotland welfare state all the way

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I’m always a Tito’s guy myself. Just had a Russian mule

Dubs checked

whats a Russian mule and how is it different from a Moscow mule?

Feel ya, I have had the goose and hate the Belvedere. Something about Tito’s makes it top tier.

Tito’s and club soda it is

Cheers Yas Forumsrother

I meant Moscow mule lmao

I hate to sound like a crunchy lib but I think it’s better because it’s made with organic ingredients

Just one more.

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It’s not much and it’s not that good but it’s better than nothing

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Cheers mates

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Never saw that ipa before. Any good?

I’d hit that

yeah its ok, kinda gives me the shits

Stopped drinking 3 months ago, it's fucking great.

Is this shit any good? What's the difference between this and the $6 a fifth stuff I usually drink.

Congrats man it’s definitely not for everyone

It’s made in the USA and it’s made with organic ingredients that’s why I think it’s better at least

Tito's , The Vodka For Dog Lovers........

IPA give me the worst farts the next day. Think the hops are doing something

I’m one of the guys that doesn’t give a fuck about lib or any of that shit, people are people, if you’re trash youre trash if you’re gold stay gold

Let’s drink!

It only rains loneliness. instead of tequila.

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Working on a 12 pack of Stag Beer. I am on number 4

gettin there bud

Almost there. 2 more white claws, 2 more beers, and 4 more shots and I should be good.

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It’s 5:20pm here, so no. I’m being productive and building a half sized alexandrian siege Scorpio in my garage. Like a normal person.

God a little fucking pandemic and everyone’s an alcoholic.

i'd sell my soul for a bowl

Been drinking a couple IPA's earlier tonight, but putting an edge on with a Steel Reserve 42.

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Whisky Always gets the job done for me.