Did anyone else ever just not think about trannies before 2010? They were just people, weird people, but people...

Did anyone else ever just not think about trannies before 2010? They were just people, weird people, but people. Back then I did not hate them because I never heard anything about them. Now that politicians and media talk about them 24/7 I hate them.

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>Now that politicians and media talk about them 24/7 I hate them.
No they don't

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trans hate thread

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Its because Millennials are Trannies.
As a Zoomer, I can say that on my entire time online has been spent arguing against Millennials.
I would say something, (back in 2013) and they would respond with their typical random XD dumbass shit.
Now you say something, a shit sniffer comes along and tells you you're racist, fatphobic, homophobic, transphobic bigot.
The problem is millennials. Ive known this since a very young age.
When will everyone else learn it?

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You are easily impressionable.

Shit, did you miss trumps epic 30-minute speech on progressive transgender programs he’s rolling out for those brave souls. It was right after he told everyone to inject disinfectant.

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i hope there are more zoomers like you
millennials are cancer


did you know you can literally just not think about trannies, and live your own fuckin life without getting all assmad about what other weirdos do with theirs

I can only fap to trannys being abused nowadays, that or vanilla anal porn IDK y maybe I'm just a faggot and in denial or maybe my mom didn't treat me poorly enough to even out my dad being a shitty little runaway bitch from Portland Oregon and also a toxicly liberal fake ass "hippy" bitch that makes me hate the far left as much as the far right, now before I get off subject I'd love to curb stomp any of those she snowflake bitches don't get me wrong, but I'm trapped in an alcohol and meth infused spiral of Idiocracy to the point I don't know nor understand where I stand, I guess I'm a self deprecating libertarian with cynical perspective in life and it started in God damn 2010 with them fucken trannies. Born in October 1995 so IDK if I'm a millennial or a sooner I really don't know if I give a fick though. TLDR; FUCK.

What business is it of yours what I do, read, buy, see, or take into my body as long as I do not harm another human being on this planet? And for those who are having a little moral dilemma in your head about how to answer that question, I'll answer it for you. NONE of your fucking business. Take that to the bank, cash it, and go fucking on a vacation out of my life

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Calm down, tranny.

People obsessed with getting infuriated about the existence of trans people are as inexplicable to me as people who get a boner from shitting in a diaper, and/or watching other people shit in a diaper. I can't see the point.

You think trans people are mentally ill; they freak you out; you hate them. Just stop thinking about them, then. Pretend they don't exist. You obviously don't know any personally.

How are they a threat to your lifestyle? They're not going to be trying to fuck you.

>Nobody is trying to fuck you.

>Pretend they don't exist.
>constantly being talked about
>constanly being forced to accept their degeneracy

jUsT iGnOrE tHeM

Take a vacation to tranny island. Away from the public with your shit fetish

do whatever the fuck you want until im forced to "recognise" and "accept" your disgusting vile behavior stupid tranny piece of shit

Bullshit. You sit at the back of LGBT for a reason. Your fetish is ridiculous

>>constanly being forced to accept their degeneracy
Forced by whom, though? I am from San Motherfucking Francisco. If anyone was forced to do anything on their behalf, it would be me, and ain't nobody even recommending it. Nobody is forcing me to to anything about trans people. I don't even see them often. They have no role in my life. We move in different spheres.

Chill out, stop thinking about it. Go outside.

>Nobody is trying to fuck you.
no, but they are teaching this shit in public schools. they are forbidden to teach about any religions or their moral philosophies, but you're going to tell me gender disphoria is not some made up psychiatrist bullshit. don't you know they have to make up some bullshit like adhd or gender disphoria every decade or so to cash in?

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>tell coworker you think trannies cutting their dicks off is gross
>get fired

This will apply to this thread

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>no, but they are teaching this shit in public schools. they are forbidden to teach about any religions or their moral philosophies, but you're going to tell me gender disphoria is not some made up psychiatrist bullshit. don't you know they have to make up some bullshit like adhd or gender disphoria every decade or so to cash in?
You are mentally ill.

Sounds facist.

>>tell coworker you think trannies cutting their dicks off is gross
>get fired
When did this happen to you, or to anyone you have actually met?

Why would this come up at fucking work?

Talking about dicks of any kind, intact or severed, is enough to get you fired at many normal workplaces. That ain't appropriate water cooler conversation among civilized sane humans with salaries.

I highly doubt gender dysphoria is even a real thing

what if i am?
am so fucking depressed my brain is telling me to kill myself?
I'm not going to because it's sick
so what is the difference than if a brain is sick telling you feel like the wrong gender in your body, maybe that is mentally ill too? giving anyone under 18 hormone theropy should be considered child abuse.

You're not alone.
Back in the 2000s when I was in high school one of my best friends was a cross dresser, but now I really can't stand that kind of thing. The media shoving this down my throat actively made me a less tolerant person.

>That ain't appropriate water cooler conversation among civilized sane humans with salaries.

ain't nothing sane about that shit nigger

It's because you have a media interpretation of trans people. Not every trans person or even the majority of trans people are felix-loving weebs who say "the dick makes it better". They're normal people. They work 9-5 jobs, they have the same problems we do. THEY ARE PEOPLE.

>tell coworker about jim, who wants to cut his dick off, that i think thats weird and gross
>not fired

>tell coworker about jim, the tranny, who wants to cut his dick off, that i think its weird and gross
>get fired for discrimination

>what if i am?
>am so fucking depressed my brain is telling me to kill myself?
>I'm not going to because it's sick
>so what is the difference than if a brain is sick telling you feel like the wrong gender in your body, maybe that is mentally ill too? giving anyone under 18 hormone theropy should be considered child abuse.
If you really are suffering from mental illness or any kind of self-destructive mood anything, I hope you will seek professional help.

>Well trolled, gentlemen, I'm out.

>They work 9-5 jobs

lol no they do not fucking work 9-5 jobs

Why are you so mad?
I'm a gay guy dating a female to male.
Why are you so angry?

It's because you have a media interpretation of pedophiles. Not every pedo person or even the majority of pedo people are child molesting creeps who say "the age makes it better". They're normal people. They work 9-5 jobs, they have the same problems we do. THEY ARE PEOPLE.

They do though. They struggle just like everyone else. Even you don't truly believe your own bullshit. You wanna believe the media and hate on trans people, that's on you.

Mentally ill people do not deserve any recognition, or acceptance. It blows my mind there are people advocating for people who are so fucked up they want to mutilate themselves. If we're all on board with accepting fucked up behavior, ALL fucked up behavior must be accepted. Bestiality. Pedos. Necrophiliacs. Everything. Dont pick and choose which freaks get "acceptance" and which freaks get labled "mentally ill and need help"

oops,was meant for you user

I still don't think about trannies unless I come across a thread like this.

Because this is not normal behavior. We used to beat people up for doing fucked up shit like this.

You act like this is an own...You can't stop pedophilia unless you actually try to understand WHY they are like that. It's not as easy as "lol degens" Grow up