My apartment neighbors are smoking weed next door and I can smell it. Think I'm gonna call the cops...

My apartment neighbors are smoking weed next door and I can smell it. Think I'm gonna call the cops, they smoke constantly every day and it's annoying. Any similar experiences?

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Oh no!
You smell a little weed coming from your neighbors apartment?
Gee golly!
Better call the cops!
Geez dude you're a fucking loser. You don't know why they are smoking it. They could have a neurological condition which puts them in extreme amounts of pain everyday and has to smoke to get relief.
Mind your own fucking business.

Kill yourself fucking loser

kys nigger

Your mom should've kept the birth turd instead
Rethink your existence nigga

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>Snitches get stitches

It's illegal in my state and my complex has a no smoking policy so I'm well within my rights to anonymously report my criminal neighbors you hippy faggots. Wahhh wahhh oh no he's reporting selfish people breaking the law and being utterly brazen while doing it! I think you've pushed me to call the cops now.

looks like someones dad gave them too much dick as a child, hang yourself nigger lover

>snitches get stitches

we had this thread an hour ago
fucking reruns


Take your meds retard, whats it hurting? I bet you smell worse than the fucking weed does. go take a shower, fatass neckbeard

Nice trips

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Are your neighbors black?

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>They could have a neurological condition which puts them in extreme amounts of pain everyday

get some oxycodone not weed dumbass

Snitches get stitches

No they're both white.

Does your mom know you're a lil bitch?

>Why take a drug that fixes your problem with little side effects when you could potentially develope a crippling addiction

Dubs trips

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What a Karen move.

They will take revenge on u so better think if it's worth it.

Maybe they will just burgle ur house. Or maybe they will anally sex u

This is a dumb idea OP.
You can't just rat people out because you don't fucking like them.
I can't say "hey I know my brother keeps weed in his car, come arrest him because he's a faggot and I hate him!"

There are two tort laws: Malicious Prosecution and Abuse of Process. Basically they can sue you for damages (punitive mostly) because you just decided to call the police on them for doing something you don't like.

Is weed illegal where you live? If it is, you'd still be better off leaving them the hell alone.
Go piss on their door or something instead.
Don't play with the law unless you know your shit.

Do it user, tell the cops they've been selling other drugs from their apartment. Also let the landlord know about it.

I had the same problem. I was raising kids at the time so really didn't want them getting used to the smell. Found a great solution, hope this help you.
I talked to them. Explained the problem and asked they get a fan and open a window. Problem solved.

Can’t you knock on their door and say hey sorry but I smell your shit; do you mind blowing it out the window and being more careful? How much of a pussy are you that you can’t talk to them like an adult? And what the fuck are you doing calling the police before talking to building management? You actual fucking pussy faggot wow

Literally nothing you said is true.

It’s fucking pasta idiots

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Na fuck you I've had neighbors like this it gets very old very fast.
I've also had my own place searched with a canine unit because of a neighbor's weed smell once.
And yes they were black.
Fuck potheads making the entire floor smell like probable cause.

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Levelheaded and based

lmao then go ahead and call the cops. See what happens. Not my fucking fault you're retarded.
Might be different in YOUR state or country.

Bet they have never smoked

I'm your neighbor. Mind your fuckin business.

First of all, you sound like a pussy

Second weed doesn't completely numb pain bro it at most alleviates a little bit of pain, takes the edge off at most

first - can you prove they are smoking it illegally ? are you sure its drugs you really smell ? are they intruding on your life? are they pushing it on you ? are they selling it out there front door , are they trying to get you to smoke it ? are they causing any damage to your property ? are they keeping you awake all night. sound to me like you think you are better than them . I bet your landlord dosnt care what they do as long as the rent is paid , sense you are the one with a problem why don't you move and leave them alone so they can enjoy some peace without you around

>Not my fucking fault you're retarded.
Pot, meet nigger

>write angry letter making threats
>sign it with room number of someone else you hate
>cause problems between the two
it'll be easy if either party is black


Hey “bro” did you know that weed used as treatment for neurological disorders doesn’t just get them a little high to “take the edge off” but actually makes a physiological difference to them? How about you stop pretending you know drugs because of your worthless nigger experiences

just go over and inject meth with them.


Can't wait until injectable weed

so then do it. They wont answer when the cops knock but it will scare the shit out of them.

>Mind your own fucking business
Since the smell is going into his apartment they're making it his business, how about instead people don't be selfish cunts.

My old apartment in Dallas was like this. Was in college at the time so money was very tight, lived in a really cheap apartment.

Neighbors didn't even try to hide it, just sat on their balcony and smoked. Weird people coming at all hours of the night, sketchy fuckers. One night somebody was banging on my door at like 2am, I opened the door (chain still on) and some negro amigo in a hoodie looked at me "ah shiet muh bad mang" sounded so fucked up.

I never called the cops but on two occasions the cops came by. When I was returning from class once my neighbors are in handcuffs while some other cops are looking around their place. I'm just trying to go to my apartment and the cops stop me, ask me tons of condescending questions... they had this attitude of "you're either part of this, or you knew about it and didn't call us. you better prove you're innocent". Kept asking if I'd be ok with them searching my place, and I told them no not without a warrant. Cops are hauling off like 12 fucking negro amigo's from the weed apartment and they're threatening me with a warrant. Meanwhile one of the cops is standing there, arms crossed, right infront of my door but they're done talknig to me. I asked him if I could please enter my home and he gave me some nonsense about destroying evidence before they're able to gain a warrant, asked me if they could search it, asked if I'd be ok with a dog just doing a walk through etc..

Was a fucking nightmare. Call the police, for sure, but expect them to give you shit because of your close proximity.

If you need drugs to be happy, maybe a stay in jail and a trip to the psychiatric hospital wouldnt be the worst thign in the world. Help them get over their addiction while also making your neighborhood a safer place.

Cops found a ton of pot and several guns in that apartment, and I feel better knowing that shit's gone. Potheads are fucking pathetic and they need to be in prison, or a hospital.

Durp derp must follow rules dee dee deeee. Must be good plucky cucky hurr hurr.

If the cops in your area are worth shit, you should. From a payphone, anonymously.
Yep, my next door neighbor rents his house for pool parties. Loud music from 10am to 4am. 1 straight up crash and a couple of fender benders, people leave driving drunk all the time.
Luckily now with the quarantine he limits it to fridays-saturdays and from 10am to 1am. Claims they are his family members.
I used to get carded all the time and the cops in my area don't quite know how to read right. Sometimes is best to not get involved.

How about you stop being a little bitch and mind your own damn business. No one is going to think you’re cool if you report them. If the smell is genuinely bothering you then why not be a big boy and ask them directly to tone it down. They can legit just spend $5 for Ozium and no one has any problems. It’s literally that fucking easy to solve.

That's like saying the smell from a fire pit is interfering with your life

What state you in?

OPs pic: THE most punchable face since Benjamin Netanyahu.

If the fire pit was right outside my window or next to my apartment and people kept lighting fires every night then yeah it would.

You sound like the most insufferable type of person, I’m glad the cops harassed you.

Literally watched my friend use a comb on his carpet trying to get some weed that fell. He also cleaned out a bong with IPA, then poured it onto a plate and microwaved it to "evaporate" the IPA so he could smoke the nasty leftover black shit.

Yeah, weed isnt addictive lol

Holy fuck you associate with pathetic scumbags, normal people don’t act that way with weed

If your neurological problem is solved by smoking some dope then it wasn't a real problem

I don't need to be a drug specialist to know that

Also white

Look guys, I found the retard. If you don’t understand the stark difference in being addicted to opiates vs being addicted to weed, you don’t deserve to breathe my air. Go jump off a bridge.

Why? Because I would mind my own business.

Just because I have these opinions doesnt mean I vocalize them. I never so much as talked to these people. I went to work and stayed home to study, they're the annoying ones playing loud ass music in the middle of the night on a week day (the fuck are they even celebrating?) and randomly banging on what seems like every outside wall of my old place.

>My apartment neighbors are smoking weed next door and I can smell it. Think I'm gonna call the cops, they smoke constantly every day and it's annoying. Any similar experiences?
yea I used to live next to some dipshit too. He would bitch about smelling weed even though its legal and call the cops on me. Fucker regretted that when his apartment was robbed, no one fucking cared, not even the cops.

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>>living where weed is illegal.

I forgot how much I enjoy living in civilization instead being policed over every fucking thing in missituckybama-stan

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Your inability to google is astonishing, and dispute your skin color, you still have worthless nigger experiences

Yeah, I'd call the police. I wouldn't want my apartment smelling like weed because of neighbors.

A lot of faggots on here are like "OH NO, ITS JUST WEED SMELLZ" Yeah. fuck you. What if it was cigs or meth pipe smell?

This was in high school. We were (or are) all shitty people in high school.

I understand the difference. Look, we all get it, there isnt a chemical dependence on weed... but how the fuck do you explain that behavior and saying there is NO addiction?

My friend said (during one of MANY rants trying to get me hooked on pot) that it was "like eating a really good slice of pizza, you'll want more but you won't need more"

Nigga, I never scraped pizza off the dirty floor to eat it. That's PATHETIC.

Damn we got a sensitive kid here better not do anything to upset, no one fart he'll call the cops