Straightbros, what's the gayest thing you've ever done?

Straightbros, what's the gayest thing you've ever done?

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let my homie suck me off

Stuck a tampon up my butt, put on a pair of tights and have a wank whilst taking a bath.

Nothin gay about a brojob, man.

ate a hotdog

Sucked a dick and got fucked in the ass

Me and a Mate wanked each other off. Felt pretty guilty afterwords.

i met up with a dude on cl when i was 18 cuz i been craving to suck a dick for the longest. so i went to his place (he was a 40y/o-ish dude) and we started making out. He then grabbed my dick, i started sucking his and then he wanted me to fuck him. it was alright until i pulled out and saw shit and immediately lost my boner. told him i wasn't in to that so i got up and left

straight married guy
here's my journey down hill
>let a smooth twink suck me off
>fucked a hot trap
>got some blowjobs at local gloy hole
>got some blowjobs from strangers at local cruise spot
>started swapping head
>love swallowing cum
>suck dick on the DL
BOOM ...Rona virus hits, everything is on hold
wanna swap head with a random guy so bad

Jerked off to gay porn. Only fuck women irl though.

used to let my older brother suck my dick and dry hump me til he came. i have no idea why and we don't talk about it, he's married to a woman

Just fuck your wife dude.

Inb4 the pedo larps hurr durr when I was 12 with my sisters cousin who was hung

I peed on a childhood friend, made him play with my cock and took turns sniffing our assholes. We were 10 and were next door neighbors, sucks we had to move before I learned real sex stuff.

I had experiences with another friend when we were 13. Interested?


This was during a family vacation with our family friends. We met on the hotel and quickly became friends, started doing everything together, going swimming, playing football, arcades and all that stuff.

One afternoon after swimming the whole day we went back to his room to shower and get ready for dinner. Not together though he hadn't made his move on me. I showered and got dressed and laid on the bed watching TV. After his shower he came to bed and while demanded I change the channel, saying this was his room and his TV. I resisted and didn't.

At that point he was still naked and had just a towel around him but He started playfully wrestling me to get the remote. I felt his dick through the towel. He couldn't get the remote and stopped wrestling.


Sucked my Boss's dick

Why do all these fake faggot stories always involve showering, swimming or football?

Friend from elementary up to late highschool had me watch porn with him on a few occasions, kinda felt weird about it even at the time(around 6th grade I think) he introduced me to hentai so fuck him because now I have a crippling hentai addiction

Yes continue please

Are you retarded? It's pretty typical boy stuff plus these situations often provided chances for nudity. I didn't have a ton of experiences personally but those are the only times I got to spy on my friends.

when i was 6 years old my friend sucked my dick

Straight and married, fuck my buddy about once a week. We've tried him fucking me but his dick is WAY too big so I top. I also fuck his wife.

one childhood friend, who aint even good looking, I explored my bicurosity with in my teens.

>late night gaming one day
>just me and him on the server and I know he is bi
>tell him I want to try things
>he asks if joke
>"nah, just want to see what I'm missing"
>comes round next day, we watch some porn
>takes about 30 seconds of watching porn for me to unbutton his trousers and give him a handjob, loved the feeling of giving it
>after he came and it was my turn I felt akward so game him another same time, props to him for handling that
>instant regret after
>happens another 4 times or so randomly throughout the years when I have an empty house
>work up my courage to suck his cock and love doing it but I'm uncomfortable him doing it to me so never happened
>his girlfriend found out, been blocked since

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And why do all of these fake faggot stories make us beg to continue. Just tell your fucking fake faggot story, faggot.

I used to blow my manager at Hollywood video after closing. He would let me keep games and shit.


Not kiss my homies good night.

He was clearly frustrated that he was unable to change the channel and he said that he would fuck me unless I change it. I paid no mind to his threat. He said he was seriously going to fuck me unless I change it. I asked "how?" and then he laid on top of me. That was his point of fucking. The grinded a little but I just lay there watching TV. He then asked if I liked it or why didn't I fight back and I said "idk". Then we just got naked like it was natural and fooled around but we couldn't manage to penetrate each other being silly little kids.

We continued grinding on each other and sitting on each others laps until the end of our holiday though. We even came up with a game to determine who sits on the others lap. We asked each other trivial questions and whoever got the answer wrong had to sit on the others lap. We'd play this game all around the hotel and I would purposefully answer wrong to sit on his lap. He asked me why I didn't answer even the simplest questions I'd just say "I like it".

Next summer they visited us at our apartment complex and I got to suck his dick at the pool. I couldn't fully understand the joy of sucking a dick underwater.

We lost contact after that summer. I waited 10 years to suck another cock again. I had several girlfriends during that time. I just wish I could meet him again do these things properly.

When my friend and I was 12, we wrestled in our underwear. We just loved the feeling of smooth skin on top of smooth skin. It felt so good. Rolling around on top of each other, wrapping our arms around each other.

Dick swordfight with my cuz

Wife wanted to see me with a guy. Ended up getting fucked in the ass by her best friend's husband in front of the both of them.

t. this thread is full of faggot sissy "trannies" sharing cuck fetish stories

You all need to fucking kill yourselves.

i’m sorry but this comment section is mildly nauseating

Jealous because you have no life experiences and therefore cannot believe the shocking things people do? I think you know deep down inside that it is you who should kill yourself :) :)

Fucking faggots.