In this video, Proofer puts forth the theory that Donald Trump may have an extensive background in physics. Curiously...

In this video, Proofer puts forth the theory that Donald Trump may have an extensive background in physics. Curiously, he also seems to be part of some Japanese physics conspiracy.

Can anyone dispute the facts in this video?

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Donald Trump can't even say words right.

Bro, did you even watch the video? Trump is a low-key genius, likely a Japanese physicist even

Yea, no.

No what? You didn't even address a single one of the facts presented. No is not a counter-argument

Donald Trump said enough words to become president... have you ever said words right enough to become leader of the free world?

I honestly don't find this that far fetched... How do you think someone gets to be the head of a country. There are a lot of secrets involved and obviously they play an act. The evidence wasn't amazing, but like honestly anything is possible.

if Bush Jr could do it, anyone can

Bush Jr went to Yale - he's also a genius. Do you really think you can just be a dummy and become president? Like it's that easy? They act dumb to trick real dummies into voting for them. And it works. Bush Jr. won twice in a row, fair and square. He's a genius.

That's my thinking. Like what exactly is so out there about this? Maybe there's more evidence needed, but this guy even admits he's just presenting the facts as he found them, even says to do your own research so why all the hate is my question?

but your education system works on the same basis as everything else in your country.... connections and money. imagine rolling a character with 10 CHAR and everything else is at 1, that's trump. The Initial conditions let him get where he is now, but he isn't a smart man, just a greedy manipulative psychopath

Trump is a dumbass nigger.

Trump has nigger-tier intellect.

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LMFAO 2:05 is the fakes trump impersonation I've ever heard. Sounds like a that faggot colbert

I'm sorry the video went over your head.

Quick question OP, how old are you? Be truthful

Everything else in the video is real, why not the voice? What about it is fake?

What are you even talking about? He's very caucasian.

I think an physicist would be able to A. accept scientific fact and B. wouldn't make a ridiculous hurricane path with marker

I think we should do more digging as he said... Maybe there is something to this.

What do you mean, my country? I'm not American first of all, I'm from Canada. Second of all, what is a 10 CHAR? Some faggy Dungeons and Dragons reference? Third of all, Trump is the greatest president in history, do you even Qanon bro? I sure wish we had Trump as leader of Canada too, instead of blackface Turdope!

The length Amerimutts go to not look like complete dumb fucks.

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Finally some common sense in this thread

MAPLE niggers are no different from mutts, fuck off.

Up to you to do your own research - all the facts are clearly presented in the video

It's a YouTube video about some guys opinion. No grounded sources to back the claims. How many times are you niggers going to grasp at straws.

What faggot third world shit hole are you from?

America is the greatest country on earth, and it's not even close. All you other countries are literally our slaves.

As opposed to what? LAMEstream Media lies? Let me ask you this, when they lied to you about how Hillary would win, did you believe them then too? There's more truth on Youtube from real journalists like Proofer than on any network in the world.

Nono, I mean some stuff is true, his uncle really was a scientist. But the voice is just the most fakest shit ever, it's fucking hilarious. Trumps not a fucking Japanese physicist, he's a used car salesman trying to make some profit off his position.

You're a fucking retard if you think this video proves anything. Are you like 10?

Maybe you didn't read the comments in the video? People that actually watch it are seeing it for what it is, an honest guy looking for the truth, and turning over important stones. You want to put your head in the sand like everyone else, you're just another sheeple. Must be a newfag.

fake voice, fake pics, dumbass host has no evidence or sources. 2/10 troll

>literally our slaves
LOL holy shit I about bust a rib.
What is a media source you listen to? The problem with you retards is everything is "fake news" unless it paints Trump as the ultimate God emperor. You reject any media the second it puts Trump in a controversial spot.

I am a newfag, since 2004. Also, if you believe this, that is fucking hilarious.


Dude you're a new fag unless you agree with my view.

You're literally a country of niggers and mixed mutts. You're country can hardly feed the lard asses who are lined up to get food from a food bank.

Oh cmon, my 12 year old little bro could shop better than this.

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I listen to my heart, and my gut, and my brain and actually think for myself. "I got this real moron thing I like to do, it's called THINKING. And I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions." - you know who said that? GEORGE CARLIN. One of the greatest thinkers of the modern era. Comedians are really the closest thing we have to modern day philosophers and it's not my fault you're too dumb to even realize that you're just an American slave. If you're not American, you are our slave. Prove me wrong? The rest of the world literally just makes toys for us to play with. We have all the money, all the military. What do you have?

Thank you, I needed something to laugh at after the market destroyed my savings today.

Great opinion my friend! I can tell you really have a grasp on reality!

good luck with your failing country.