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Before the virus America was the number 1 economy. It was stronger than every and suddenly it had to be closed.

Massive chinese cock is obliterating americans its fucking amazing.

*the global economy that you niggers wanted so badly

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>over 61000 Americans have died from Coronavirus
Wrong. Over 61k Americans have died WITH Coronavirus.

some people peddle flat earth theories as well but no one believes them.

fake numbers, realistically over 100k people in the us have already died. pentagon is just hiding that fact.

damn look how low that unemployment rate was before it skyrocketed from the pandemic.

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that was because of trump?

How’s South Korea’s unemployment situation? We both had our first cases the same day

>over 100k people in the us have already died
No shit. Thousands of people die every day from different causes. That's why they say the virus is deadly for elderly people even though it's bullshit. Old person who is on his dead bed from heart disease gets this virus and develops cold like symptoms. He dies and they count him in as Covid 19 death. It's a fucking scam.

I’ll help with that. Their unemployment skyrocketed from 3.3 to 3.8

south korea and china had much better response to the pandemic. this *kills* trumptards.

I sold off when the market tank started. Bought back in at 19,000. We're back over 24,000 now. And the Dow is just 30 stocks. Some have rebounded higher than before this started.
>tl.dr: I've made a shit ton in the last 2 months

You do realize this is a worldwide situation and not your ongoing war with the libs right?

you trade between your shit posting on Yas Forums i guess huh. you didn't make shit but a doo doo in your big boy pants.

>believing what china says

Yes, because you don't have a portfolio, no one does. Sounds legit.

I don't care about politics and liberals. I just want people to know the truth. The death numbers are fake, made up. There's even some proof that hospitals get more money when there's a covid 19 death. The liberal fake news media is doing everything to cover this up and spread panic among people.

Hmmm. Seems to me Trump bought what they were selling early on. So yeah “believing what China says..”

Look at the bright side- in NYC, listed pneumonia and flu deaths have dropped 98%!
...oh wait

there's this thing called a journalist. they independently investigate claims by governments. sorry the truth hurts you. that's the side effect of having a 2 digit iq.

trump thinks china did a great job. he thanked china on your behalf. aren't you glad that trump did that for you?

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Well thank you we’re enlightened all of us with your medical expertise Doctor

Journalists... like Brian Stelter, Rachel Maddow, th4e fine folks at Huffington post and Buzzfeed?

When was that tweet? January? A lot of info has come out since then.

no they are talking heads. i don't pay attention to them. the real journalists, the ones that actually do something other than give their sitty opinions, are print journalists and most you'll never know their name.

Your point? Ignorance was okay in January?

Apparently, you do not,either. But I'm sure you're googling them right now.

> A lot of info has come out
conspiracy theories aren't "info". your opinion is worthless.

Trump just said that our number of deaths per million is very strong.