Is it normal to feel disgusted by promiscuous women, or does that make me a pussy?

Is it normal to feel disgusted by promiscuous women, or does that make me a pussy?
Is it normal to want more than just sex, or does that make me a soy boy beta cuck?

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Good question

Yes it is normal.

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Nothing wrong with disliking used goods.

Not normal, so few girls are literal sluts that's been blown way out of proportion. You just have a chip on your shoulder that you won't lose your virginity to a virgin by this age so you act out by calling girls sluts. Get laid a few times and stop caring you could be a chad

not really,but asking such a thing shows that you are very insecure about your own sexuality

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>or does that make me a pussy?
>or does that make me a soy boy beta cuck?

OP, the answer is simple. You're a faggot. You want the be the girl in the relationship while a man dominates you. Nothing wrong with that, you little sissy.


Yes, it i my animefriend, it's only natural to feel repulsed by these kinds of women. The faggots who say otherwise are usually either:
a) brainwashed / retards
b) pretending to be "alpha" or any other shit like that, wanting to be perceived differently just for defending stupid beliefs, often talking about insecurities, just to pretend they're superior or something like that.

It's normal to reject degeneracy

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>You don't want to eat the mentally ill, disease ridden cumstained rag? Really says a lot about your insecurities.

Enjoy hell because you had sex before marriage lmao

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What that guy said to OP about sex is the same thing you're doing to him about hell except sex is real and god isnt, pussy

>Is it normal to feel disgusted by promiscuous women, or does that make me a pussy?
>Is it normal to want more than just sex, or does that make me a soy boy beta cuck?

How are these 2 question connected ? You can have a deep relationship with your S/O AND be promiscuous with other people.

Men have been doing this for eons, going to brothel, having mistresses, while being happily married. Or even having gay sex.

Most men used to lose their virginity via prostitution. It didn't stop them to form meaningful, long lasting, loving relationship with their wives.

Be disgusted by promiscuous people if you want, you don't have control on what disgust you or not.

But even very promiscuous people ( like swinger for example) can form durable and loving relationship. It is not impossible to have both.

>It's not normal, because whores taught me that, and I'm now repeating it.
>Few girls are literal sluts, but there aren't many girls out there who aren't literal sluts. Crazy how nature do that, huh? Go figure.
>Yeah, sleep around with whores, become a whore you too, becoming a disgusting person surely the logical solution the problem.

Just because something is possible doesn't mean it's normal, correct or safe.
I COULD survive playing on a traffic, that doesn't mean that's what's going to happen.
People who whore themselves are way more often mentally ill and problematic, it is indicated by a lot of researchers that they lead to worse marriages. In engaging with such people you're voluntarily yourself, and your future kids (if you intend to have one) at risk.

Check em

It's normal, and I'll put it to you this way.
If you had to drink from a glass of water, would you rather drink from a glass of water that has only been used by one other guy, or a glass that five guys have drank from?

That said, it doesnt mean that non virgins are whores or something
Women can have a generally stable, long term relationships with bodycounts up to 3. That means sexual partners. Not just boyfriends, nto times she had sex in total, guys she had sex with

so you never go to restaurants? their dishes has been used by hoards of people. fucking disgusting!

LOL, that's the analogy Vladimir Lenin used when argued promiscuity was non Marxist and that they were just whores!
"Many of them call their attitude ‘revolutionary’ and ‘communist’. And they honestly believe that it is so. That does not impress us old people. Although I am nothing but a gloomy ascetic, the so-called ‘new sexual life’ of the youth – and sometimes of the old – often seems to me to be purely bourgeois, an extension of bourgeois brothels. That has nothing whatever in common with freedom of love as we communists understand it. You must be aware of the famous theory that in communist society the satisfaction of sexual desires, of love, will be as simple and unimportant as drinking a glass of water. This glass of water theory has made our young people mad, quite mad. It has proved fatal to many young boys and girls. Its adherents maintain that it is Marxist. But thanks for such Marxism which directly and immediately attributes all phenomena and changes in the ideological superstructure of society to its economic basis! Matters aren’t quite as simple as that. A certain Frederick Engels pointed that out a long time ago with regard to historical materialism.....As a communist I have not the least sympathy for the glass of water theory, although it bears the fine title ‘satisfaction of love’."

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You can't wash and sctub a pussy with soap to get the previous guys off it

I'm saying that girls aren't whores. Its loser guys who don't get laid (and are desperately wanting sex) who see other guys do it and so the losers call the girls whores. You sound like one of them

Stopped reading at "Many of them"
TLDR or bust

Why? Because I don't agree with you? LMAO.

"so-called ‘new sexual life’ of the youth – and sometimes of the old – often seems to me to be purely bourgeois, an extension of bourgeois brothels"

"This glass of water theory has made our young people mad, quite mad. It has proved fatal to many young boys and girls. Its adherents maintain that it is Marxist."

"As a communist I have not the least sympathy for the glass of water theory, although it bears the fine title ‘satisfaction of love’."

Ok I read through it. By what I got from it "glass of water" in that means that sex will be a trivial thing. What I'm saying is that I'd prefer to have a thing that hasn't been used a lot over a thing that has been used by lots of different people.

Sluts are old, used cars, and if I can afford it, i'd rather get a new car

Actually yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. It's your POV that I'm saying makes you a certain way..Wtf is your argument with this comment

im disgusted by people who try to fuck before the a month or so of dating
im soyboy cuck


Grow up buddy, not everyone who dislikes whoring is an incel. It always existed on humans, and it'll always exist.

The fuck you on about???
I'm against sluts too, i just didn't feel like reading through a wall of text

This, but uironically. I'm disgusted by people who try to fuck before a month of dating so much that I'm abstaining from dating altogether, and thinking about becoming a celibate for good.