>dubs to take an adjacent space of your choice
>if your base is taken you are eliminated
>only the first dubs after each update counts

Attached: racew.png (2352x2160, 120.71K)

Whites to space 3.

black icon should be a dick to properly fit in here.

out of range

Whites to 2

blacks to space 3. brace yoself white boi

So it is. I miscounted, fortunately I didn't waste any dubs.

So, whites to space 2.

Whites to 2 now

muh fuggn bix nood. blacks to 3

Dubs acquired here, so now Whites to 3

Whites to space 3

Whites decide that blacks have to go!

Attached: racew2.png (2352x2160, 120.81K)

ooga booga kill the white man. blacks to 3

We're doing the world a favor, whites to 3

Alright chums, same plan as IRL. First we enslave the niggers, then we purge the spics, then we take out the chinks.
Whites to 3.

Whites to three

Aztlan to 10

This, whites to 3

Spics take 9


You may be spared, whites to 3

White pride worldwide, 3

blacks to 3. we coming for yo white wimmin fuckbois

Attached: 6A93D4D8-9D4E-4810-B358-D41F84A6C63C.jpg (400x400, 16.76K)

Take out 9 for Latinos

blacc 3

Whites to three

Attached: ABBB7F7A-B78B-4688-B1C8-81E39A4D2621.gif (1128x1200, 418.86K)

Whites to 6

Whites to 3

American history x reroll

blacks to um... shit... Laquando what number come after 2 agin? Oh yeah, blacks to 3


Les blancs à trois, maintenant.

Whites to 5

gotta win, Whites to three

wiggity wackity space 3 is now blackity


honky ass cracker jive turkey chicken neck mutha fugga. blacks take back 3

weak, whites to take the blacks

Whites close in on the black capital (Wakanda)!

Attached: racew3.png (2352x2160, 119.59K)

Blacks attack 3. Whites can't compete.

Whites enslave blacks and take Wakanda

can the whites, just take wakanda?



Yep, same way as a normal space

Yellow fever reaches 15.

mad lad did it!