This is the ideal female body type. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

This is the ideal female body type. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

Attached: greta-thunberg-17.png (1080x1350, 1.68M)

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agreed i'd smash her

I'd slurp on her little cunt all night long

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All tucked up in bed :3

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didn't she kill joel?


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>obviously a tard
>fetal alcohol syndrome features
>a shitfucked personality
>no tits
>no ass
how fucking desperate are you faggots?? When I was in the middle of my ten-year dry spell I still wouldn't have fucked this repulsive cunt

She doesn't have a single one of those symptoms, that's just a bad photo. She's beautiful really and you know it.

Attached: gude.jpg (680x650, 58.99K)

All she has is Asperger's, it's really no big deal. Her personality is sweet and caring, she's literal tradwife material.
Also, I like small tits, lots of guys do. Not everyone's into big sweaty sagging nipple sacks.

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If you find Stephen Merchant beautiful.

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Btw liking big asses is for niggers

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He's not a bad looking bloke

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Dilated pupils

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She looks like she smells like warm, expired milk.

>this is a 17 year old
Veganism strikes again

Pedos sported
Prepare for termination

Can't wait for her white nationalist character arc

She actually pretty cute tho

Imagine making sweet love to Greta. Nothing too rough though, it's her first time

Oh man

I too like girls with disproportionate bodies. I hope she grown into that huge head of hers. Poor girl.

>people will defend this mutant
your fucking simp

its her sisters fault she stole all the boobies

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I'll call her bae

careful now i should have said younger sister

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No wonder she's so mad lol

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good man shame you cant post her insta but the mod says no

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yeah when your mom looks like this you kinda expect better

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That better ?

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Nigga, you gay!

and we reach the end and you should be ended

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More greta nips?

its a real shame they dont get on

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Fuck her with a school gir outfit