Have you ever been tortured?

Have you ever been tortured?

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Yes...i was married to a redhead.

Yes they cut off my dick and then I didn't know how to make a webm

physically/sexually countless times by my sadistic asian gf

In a sexual way with previous girlfriends, I have a femdom fetish

yeah my boyfriend would put me in stocks for over an hour

Lucky bastard


>plastic bag over my head
>water boarded
>paddled like a scary ass paddle
>watching people I love be raped
>raping people I love
>urinated on
>pooped on/ forced to eat poop
>and then kicked out of society

There might be more but I didn't get to keep all my memories lol

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>watching people I love be raped
>raping people I love
you kinda need to elaborate

holy fuck are you okay??

yeah moral of the story is Pedos bad

I got beat by a dominatrix until i passed out from pain. does that count?

my condolences.

ty ty :)

Yes, I went to public school

Please do tell more. Also, what was the worst ? How did you cope with the pain? Are you even still able to process pain after being cut for days or whatever or did your brain just shut down?

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I've been married and divorced.
That should answer your question.

Yes had a gf once who into bondage and one day when she had me bound up she gave me hand job torture.

Only emotionally.

My body stopped allowing me to feel pain after it got too much. Also I don't know maybe the electrocution.

They electrocuted my head and my genitals, and butthole with a car battery. Couldn't disassociate from this one.

I think I was 6 when that one happened.

Well that got real real fast

so there must be some hurtcore video of 6 yo you floating around somewhere

He did record some of the events. Probably some cheese pizza of me out there some where.

Yes, there is a lot of sexy ass jailbait out there. Pic unrelated

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lightly. the day my mothers ex lied on me when he hurt my bro.
pressure points are an interesting thing to learn hands on as the dummy. also got the shit kicked out of me along the way.

>Pic unrelated
Really? That's not sexy Jailbait?

sorry that happened to user.


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I am serbiqn and I was tortured in Kosovo when I was 17 by some albanian soldiers...
this changed my life completely.

What happened?