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who the fuck uses the metric system?

Call it feet if you want you drooling fucking retard, it dose t change the numbers


The two poles have to be right next to each other with minimal distance between them. The cable is 80m; half of 80m is 40m. If you attach both ends of the cable to the top of one pole, the cable will hang down 40m, with the lowest point 10m above the ground. IOW, the two poles stand side-by-side.

Its not 0.


This man has it


the entire world? even you guys are supposed to use it

Jeesus someone trying to get their home work done?

y = a cosh (x/a)
y = 50 and a = 10

50 = 10 x cosh(x/10) > divide both sides by 10
5 = cosh(x/10)
Look up a cosine table for hyperbolic values for 5 and you get

x/10 = 2.3
x = 2.3 x 10 = 23

But that is to the turning point where the dip is at 10m which is half way so you double it.

46m is the length.


potato meters

yeah the visual fucks it up because it doesnt match with the numbers presented



That's a chain curve
Need the weight and flexibility of the cable

nah, the curvature of the cable depends on the Young's modulus of it. These questions are retarded.

A hanging wire should approximately follow y=x^2, so the distance isn't that hard to find.

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It's an open question to match and assess different expertise levels
You can approximate the solution that pretending the cable forms two straight lines ()= middle school geometry
Next level you can be the cosinus faggot: high school maths
Finally you apply the right curve formula and gave to assume values for weight and flex of cable: college engineering
Or you be like me college dropout who's smarter than joo

to anyone curious these questions are often incomplete and the interviewer just wants to see how you think and will select the candidates based on their own opinion about who would be a good employee. a complete flawed system.

this is an old trick question, it is 0. The distance from the top of the poles to the turning point 10m above the ground is 40m, now if the rope/chain is 80m long there would be no hyperbolic curve at all since the 10m height is halfway which would mean half of the rope/chain is on either side of it. So 0m between.

Thought so

these are 1st graders answers. reality does not work like that, since it is more complex than your counting-with-fingers-intellect.

Go tryhard elsewhere, I have a University level of Maths, I could have used various ways to work it out, but the simple thing is it will be 0m or the length of the rope/chain at the turning point. And in fact it would never ever reach 10m off the ground because it is impossible, but 10.01m off the ground sure.

>University level of Maths
which community or city college?

Since when was Amazon metric?

71.82 meters apart.

Get on my level retards.

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how did you get so smart bud?
*pats on the head*

that length changes when you fullscreen it retard

North pole to south pole or north pole to Poland?

Like an inch on a phone

since it became an international company

Literally the entire world except for Tardlandia.
Oh, and Science, which is what really matters. Keep measuring things in hamburgers, you laughingstock of the world.

The length of each pole is fixed at 50 metres.

The gap is 1.4365 poles long.

50*1.4365 = 71.825

The world power that has the capacity to invade the world doesn't use it.

you mean psychological evaluation user, and yeah fuck them