Are american youths really this fat and dumb? 75% can't even be an army grunt if they WANTED to?

Are american youths really this fat and dumb? 75% can't even be an army grunt if they WANTED to?

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why would anyone want to be in the army anyway? have fun fighting for a draft dodger

It's more of a health metric that they couldn't even if called upon. This is the worst it's ever been and it's getting even worse.

yeah,americans are fat and stupid.this is nothing new

he didn't dodge the draft. he applied for a medical exemption and it was granted. blame DoD not Trump.

>Are american youths really this fat and dumb?
>Are americans generally really this fat and dumb?

Just look at the shit flinging ape almost half the country figured was fit for office and consider that even now, covered in his own shit, people still fight tooth and nail to defend him.

don't listen to this jew

But I always assumed this was the old that were fat. Teens and young twenty somethings being in such poor health has to be a national security concern.

The writing is on the wall in big fucking neon letters, but these mouth breathers will take the entire nation down with them cause "he speaks his mind" even though him speaking his mind has literally put several of his cult members in the hospital over retarded possible "cures" for the pandemic. Which apparently he was only sarcastic about. After several dozen MAGAs overdosed on hydrocloroquine. Cause you know. That's exactly how sarcasm works.

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Shouldn't you be cheering their deaths? I want all of the extremists to die. I'm tired of two pieces of shit being run every election.

lol,trumptards badmouthed obama on everything for the past 8,they defend trump for literally everything

donald trump is no different then the rest of america,fat and stupid

Yes. They are. It's embarrassing.

To be fair that war was bullshit and if someone was smart enough to avoid being sacrificed for the military complex, then good for them.

I should be and you are absolutely right. For the last 3 years, I have been experiencing aneurysm after fucking aneurysm trying to give a shit about my country and her people. Maybe it's best that I slip into the cynicism from my youth and hope everyone drowns in their own stupid filth.

I mean if I say drinking a glass of bleach per day is good for health, and a few hundred die from it, then I see that as a huge net positive. Those people were simply weighing everyone else down. Same thing when gangs kill each other.

They make you jump thru a bunch of hoops. And learn a bunch of shit you don't need or they could teach you after you sign up like algebra.

Algebra is low level basic shit. Are you joking? Are you black?

the US military has standards which serve as a base to build upon, this article is probably overly stated though as being fact. who knows maybe its a misinformation campaign to make the US military weak? at any rate, you can always mold humans to kill other humans, it isnt very difficult as its been demostrated with the various global conflicts at any given moment in time. (even if it isnt efficiently done)

I first heard it from a well known veteran, Tim Kennedy. Do you think he could get away with publicly lying? Do you think all articles are wrong on this?

Amerimutts are shit

>hur dur my bonespurs
You're such a fag it's unbelievable, Americans are some of the biggest faggots on earth.

Found the high school retard.

when will the rest of the world declare war on them and slaughter all of their citizens? surely that's where this is headed?

Yeah... uh not everything is black and white. Standards change from time to time. Waivers are given out when needed. When the military downsizes standards go up and opposite occurs when its building up. This is nothing new and if this surprises you then you need to learn to read a book.

America was originally a fine country but has turned into a cesspool of lazy, overweight, unintelligent retards.
The moment they betrayed us in WW2 and meddle in the first world War they became a certified enemy.

Who the fuck is us? Nazi Germany? Get over it. Your own country disowned you.

Muricans are betas, in Finland most of the guys go to military. It is mandatory for all men, you go to civilservice, jail if you dont want to go to army.

Probably has more to do with psychs getting more reckless with mental illness diagnoses. See ADHD.

So when will you and the rest of the world over-run them with your vast militaries?

Mandatory service has its ups and downs. The US no longer needs mandatory service considering how many people volunteer to serve anyway. Without mandatory conscription, small countries like Finland or South Korea wouldn't have a large enough standing Army compared to their neighbors.

Nice get for me, that confirms everything i wrote.

Probably russia. We never betrayed germany because we were never on their side. Russia was another matter, and was purely an alliance of convenience. Stalin was far worse than Hitler.

I can't enlist because I got in a car accident.
Oh well.

Americans have as many 18-21 year olds as Finland has in total population.

Europeans you dumb fuck, you God damn cousin fuckers can't even read fucking comments on an internet forum. What the honest to fuck God is wrong with you dipshits?
The fact you couldn't even understand a simple comment makes my blood boil, you goddamn mutts are so fucking annoying.
>Pic related stay the fuck out of our affairs Cletus

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That would require us to go to the cesspool, no thanks.

So you're cowards and all words? Hopefully we can destroy you once again in the coming years.

In fairness, China is on the way to becoming an obese nation and Russia is being ravaged by actual AIDS.