I'm a 25 years old male.
Would going out with a 19-20 years old be considered weird ?
I'm a 25 years old male.
Would going out with a 19-20 years old be considered weird ?
Fucking? no
Dating? yes
Not weird to either, do it OP.
Thank you.
No. Anyone who says otherwise is a bitter old hag or a jealous simp.
Your age divided by two, plus seven.
19.5 is the lowest accepted in your case.
Is that always true ?
Half plus seven would be 19.5. You're fine.
Be me,39yrs of age.
Dating/pumping/ploughing 20yr old.
Sauce on her
where i live, 30 year old guys are dating 14 year old girls and its considered ok for some fuckin reason
Are you retarded? Wtf is wrong with you of course its fine. Where i am you can bang 16 year olds. Only ppl who hate on this are old women, parents and other man hating women.
yah super super super weird. weird man. weirdo.
I'm 35 dating a 21 year old, started when she was 19 and I was 33. It's been a challenge every step of the way to say the least.
If you have the patience to work thru all the immature bs it might be worth it. Just remember no matter how mature she seems there will always be the underlying immaturity that will become apparent when life's greater challenges spring up.
You don't want at 25 what you wanted at 19 and that also becomes more apparent despite the love in the relationship.
Fuck yeah. Screw anyone who gives you shit about it.
What country is this ?
>for some fuckin reason
Not weird but don't catch feelings. That's a recipe for disaster. Her slutty days are ahead of her not behind.
Damn it.
germany, dont think its a country thing though. Just the people I happen to know
No, perfectly normal. It's natural to want a girl who will be able to have a child during marriage. You're thinking the way you're supposed to. There's never a reason to start a relationship with a girl over the age of 21.
You're an idiot. I had the exact same scenario as op years back and now we're married with a nice house. Women who are 28 and older while still single are the red flag sluts you need to worry about.
For 4 months I dated with a 18 years old qt
I'm 25
I was ok but she kept sexual desires for her ex so I broke up with her
No, I'm 36, and until I got married last year, I was running through 21 year olds faster than Usain bolt.
How did you do it ?
nah bro go for it. i was 26 and dating an 18 year old stripper. if people think a legal and consenting relationship is weird, that's their problem so get out there and tame some wild snatch
Yeah,had a few issues with people having issues with ‘us’,but yeah,was all good.
How did you guys meet?
I'm about to turn 30 in June. I was a late bloomer and didn't gain confidence with women until I was in my mid 20s. Now that I'm older, I want to fuck the younger girls that I never got a chance to.
What is it like dating and fucking someone younger, like 18-22? Was it hard finding a girl in that age range to fuck?
No, age gaps if 5 and 10 years are normal
I’m 23m currently probably going to start dating a 28 year old. My last relationship was with a 19 year old, would not date that age ever again lmao