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This bitch

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Anyone have a Google drive link?

The FBI do

"child" pornography is a stretch. She was underage but 16 is hardly a child. Most age of consent laws in the world are around 16.


So glad I saved all her shit. Knowing I'm fapping to a girl who was only 17 just makes the diamonds harder.

It was professionally produced. So it was not CP.

If Pretty Baby (Hollywood) isn't because it was professionally produced, then this not either.

CP use to be an old dude raping a kid.

Now it's been over used, like visual rape, to mean

"a 17 who speaks to a producer (Girls Do Porn), but films when she's 18" is CP

Unfortunately anything under 18 is considered pre-pubescent.Which is just technically wrong.

i stopped watching when he used the N word. people shouldn't say nigger casually

Wait GDP filmed something with someone under 18?

Funny you say that...

wait i have a bunch of ellesclub vids. how do i know which ones are underage to delete?

dude who gives a fuck, even if one of them was 17 when filmed there is no way u could have known. Its professional porn

you already nutted to them and theres no way youll be arrested for them so i dont see why you care

Link to videos?

Nice dude, start deleting the ones that look the oldest and work ur way down that way ure sure to fap to 17 yo punani

Found the nigger.

i meant... to "delete" ;)


Spoken like a pedophile

Who the fuck cares. She published that shit on her own free will.

Anything with fake tits is legal

Of. The phrase is 'of her own free will'.

Simp taking rejection to a new level of desperation

T.ex simp of this bitch

I liked this girl from 2018 back when she was on tumblr, if anyone has her early usernames or instagrams share. I didnt save it wish i did

Thats a bold statement to make

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I got you bro