25 y/o virgin reporting in

25 y/o virgin reporting in

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rookie numbers!

36 y/o virgin here.

21 y/o virgin here, I'm still trying but its getting more grim every year. you still trying or you give up at this point?

op here, I don't actually meet any women because I don't have my own place and can't escalate, so I gave up on that. I dated 3 women in my life, all last year, unsuccessful because beta and no place. I won't give up on the whole thing completely but since I have literally 0 interactions with women, it feels empty at times.

only four more years until you become a wizard! you can do it user!!

lost my virginity at 19, feels good man.

It's so fucking easy to get laid on tinder / pof.

It's only gonna get worse, I lost my virginty 8 years ago, back then the world was a different place, now it seems like women especially the young are not interested in men, everyone has their own online world.

yeah i actually went on tinder and met all of them there but like i said, without your own place it's pointless unless you are chad

I feel that, you need your own place to even be considered by women. even though most of them still live with there parents(at least at my age). Why do you say you're a beta? some women like betas, like if they were molested at a young age by an alpha.

Women don't know what they like, that's why they go on a rampage, breaking hearts and fucking every guy they can, I think modern women are a cancer on society.

nobody wants to fuck your pathetic ass

i am not the same person anymore, the biggest problem back then is that I had scarcity mindset, I gave that vibe that I don't have many options and that really fucks you up mentally and also makes your value lower in the eyes of other people. My situation is virtually the same now but I think my mindset is different, so I could have more success now. The biggest problem for me is now to find a job and live on my own. Minimum wage in my country is very low compared to renting prices and I want to live alone so I don't want to deal with retards

33 but got a couple BJs does that still count?

Dude you literally have nothing to offer, did you go to school? are you going to school? Are you pursuing a career? There's tons of dudes who have nothing to offer, what makes you special? Nothing, no women in their right mind would associate with you. Get your life together first, the girls come later.

If I ever come back to dating again, it's gonna be pump and dump scenario, so I don't have to offer anything besides what is immediately recognized (looks and/or status). Obviously I am working on myself

Get a trade/construction job. easy to get into, make a pretty good money once you have experience and are willing to work hard

Haha aa pathettic

Women can sense when your a fuck boy, don't have bad intentions dude, just work on yourself to be a better person. You are not working on yourself if you are not pursuing something meaningful.

Why do you give a shit? If your a societal reject it's mostly because of who you are as a person. And if that's the case you would have been aware of this by the time your 10. I knew I was and that's why I don't make an effort or give a shit about anything anymore. I work on myself and don't care about others. If I happen to want something from someone I would ask and not care about the result since the answer I expect is no.

I could go get laid by cutting for a few months and getting shredded, would look better than 90% of guys, also have more money than them too probably. But I don't want to since there are more important things to do. Like staring at the sky

I own my home, make 150k a year, work out, am 6ft tall, and still can't get dates. Gave up around a year ago. Women are content to share the same small number of guys on dating apps.

it's either face or personality

Considering I get no matches on tinder, I'm sure it's face. What's funny is I used to get laid all the time in my 20s. I dated two girls for a while, it didn't work out, and now women won't look twice at me, even though I've kept up on my health well. So I just focus on work and hobbies.

27 y/o virgin here.. i have ingrown hair bumps on my genital area which im too scared to get help from the doctor

sooo ya

>I dated two girls for a while, it didn't work out

Are you surprised it didn't work out? Managing one is hard enough. Who the fuck dates two at the same time?

I thought 30 years old is when you get your powers.

It's your personality. You're probably going to have to pay for it for the rest of your life.

27 y/o basically a virgin again functionally. technically lost my V-card at 19 with a girl who stayed over after a party. I got blacked out but she said we had sex. Had sex with her one more time also hammered. She started dating another dude and I never had sex again. Next relationship my gf cheated on me before we ever did anything together. Haven't gotten laid in almost 9 years, turning 28 soon, might as well be a virgin for how pathetic it all is. Don't even have the few alcohol infused memories that I used to have.

So girls can see a personality in a picture? How does that work?

29yo virgin reporting in

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How much bleach did you drink before you got on the internet today, son?

It is 30.

Ever consider going gay? Sucking cock isn't so bad.

It looks pretty bad.

Sameskies here, 30 in september though.