Donald Trump is a loving family man. This on top of being the greatest president the USA has ever had

Donald Trump is a loving family man. This on top of being the greatest president the USA has ever had.

Trump makes me proud to be an AMERICAN

Trump support thread

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Why will no one ever admit they voted for him?

OP is utterly dumbfucking stupid

because most people didn’t?

the retards that voted for him usually show up pretty quickly in these threads and they're pretty open about their retardation!

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Because of too many mouth-breathers. Economic Nationalism, protecting the borders. This is more than enough to get my vote in the age of Globalism.

Where are all the fuckers with their Trump flags now?

Hello, shills.

i do it often because it's funny to see peoples reactions

staying at home, and voting in november, you're welcome europoor, dont worry america is safe.

It's nice that he loves his children.

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I don’t love or hate trump but this is just fucking retarded

Here's the first retards that admit to voting for trump lol

trump voter

In fact, he loves lots of children.

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Any father sees this for what it is. You sick fuck.

He looks like he molested him.

Right here bitch.
Die in your nigger ass shithole cities and your chink fucked gutter oil slurping hellholes.
Globalism drowned in bat soup snot, and there isn't a FUCKING thing you weak bitch faggots can do to resuscitate your stupid ideas.
See you around, bitchboy.

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I voted for him and I'll do it again. The guy is actually doing shit. Some people may not like it but no one likes taking medicine.
God bless the USA.
God Bless Donald Trump.

I made both posts, moron. Gladly admit I voted Trump. Since the Dems screwed Bernie

trump is a man of integrity and is know to respect the boundaries of others, be they physical or mental.

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why wont they cover that on the real news?! how does he get away with it, unless you're just grasping at straws, feel free to dodge my question and cry about trump instead like a little bitch.

Voting is for faggots that care about this country

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Your world is dead, now merely in the last of its agonal breathing. Yet you stupid fools think the loud gasps are signs of improvement. Globalism, dead. Chink world standing, gone. Chink cheap labor, gone. Many other critical pillars of your bullshit clown world, gone. All killed by a virus your stupidity made possible, a stupidity that also moved it around the world at record speed. Now you will pay the price of your arrogance and childish foolishness. Hard times make for hard men, so you faggot bitchboys are done done for.

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can we get a few more swears in there

fuck shit gay asshole butt bitch faggot chink nigger globalist

The fact that Trumptards unironically use the term clown world is the greatest indication they have gone full retard.

Twice. In the most obvious and bullshit way both times. Really makes the point what the DNC actually thinks about the voters.

Yeah right!

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