The mods should replace the big cat with a giant Jasiri, clearly they don't know what they are doing

The mods should replace the big cat with a giant Jasiri, clearly they don't know what they are doing

Attached: really cute -o.jpg (338x425, 26.95K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1586467979666.jpg (400x392, 39.84K)

Attached: kion and jasiri grown -o.jpg (1280x949, 168.95K)

>es el soldado y la muerte del narrador de cuentos,eso creo
and it was a Bob Peck video
>es el soldado y la muerte del narrador de cuentos,eso creo
and it was a Bob Peck video
>es el soldado y la muerte del narrador de cuentos,eso creo
and it was a Bob Peck video
>es el soldado y la muerte del narrador de cuentos,eso creo
and it was a Bob Peck video
>es el soldado y la muerte del narrador de cuentos,eso creo
and it was a Bob Peck video
>es el soldado y la muerte del narrador de cuentos,eso creo
and it was a Bob Peck video
>es el soldado y la muerte del narrador de cuentos,eso creo
and it was a Bob Peck video
>es el soldado y la muerte del narrador de cuentos,eso creo
and it was a Bob Peck video
>es el soldado y la muerte del narrador de cuentos,eso creo
and it was a Bob Peck video
>es el soldado y la muerte del narrador de cuentos,eso creo
and it was a Bob Peck video

Attached: 1560205580954.gif (2000x800, 1.12M)

this really opened my eyes, thanks a lot!

Attached: kion and jasiri alternative art -o.jpg (1280x816, 91.23K)

Imagine the outbreak of freindly posts!

Attached: fox_wine.jpg (758x1000, 152.25K)

oh shit boy, long time no see, foxieman

Attached: jasiri and janja fanart 2 -o.jpg (1200x900, 78.28K)

yeah, I'm happy to be here again!

looking forward to see the other friends

Attached: rita_chest.png (338x422, 150.27K)

kys dog fucker

same man, hoping for scratty z and raptor, but raptor hasn't been here in a while, guess its a bit late for him

Attached: jasiri poster -o.png (600x800, 379.48K)

and J!

where is raptor from again? usa?

Attached: rita_clock.png (418x455, 61.63K)

not the us, he doesn't really want to reveal it as of yet, but i got speculation
think J might pop in soon

what about you though, you okay?

Attached: jasiri on kion -o.jpg (474x344, 22.57K)

yeah I'm good, thanks for asking.

I'm growing a beard, the mazda I wanted to buy is sold. right atm I'm doing my electronics (hobby) stuff.

I'm really glad that today is my "friday" so I've got time to do private stuff.

how about you? how's your finger?

also I bet raptor is from the usa, most of these bettery licking scumbags are from the usa, but not all ;)

Attached: rita_cloud.png (600x600, 103.65K)

>yeah I'm good, thanks for asking.
>I'm growing a beard, the mazda I wanted to buy is sold. right atm I'm doing my electronics (hobby) stuff.
>I'm really glad that today is my "friday" so I've got time to do private stuff.
that's sweet, good to know you're having fun
>how about you?
i'm alright, had a lot of off days off work, got 2 more days to go, haven't done much besides hanging out with friends
>most of these bettery licking scumbags are from the usa
kek, i doubt it, he left out some clues about his country

Attached: jasiri alternative -o.jpg (1280x889, 184K)

>haven't done much besides hanging out with friends

that's like silk for the soul. haven't seen my friends in a while :(

I'm glad you're doing good. how is it with your days work off?
my regular ones are saturday and sunday. I guess you have different ones, like sunday is not a regular work off?

Attached: rita_rick.png (840x960, 516.37K)

Attached: 3054703_HardyBoy_pinkbutterfreecv.jpg (1300x1621, 480.66K)

>that's like silk for the soul. haven't seen my friends in a while :(
yeah, the quarantine is over here, ended today, when i say i'm hanging out with friends i mostly mean through the net, though i did visit one this week after a really long time, so that was a good refresher
>I'm glad you're doing good. how is it with your days work off?
pretty good, i mean i wouldn't mind working, its a lot of off days even for me, but i can't really do much about it so i'm not too upset about missing them
>my regular ones are saturday and sunday. I guess you have different ones, like sunday is not a regular work off?
that's correct, here friday is a halfday, and saturday is off, but some jobs do allow you to work then, but for the most part you can't

Attached: kion and jasiri sisi ni sawa -o.jpg (474x541, 68.71K)

Attached: 2993516_HardyBoy_ashizerocv.jpg (4000x2593, 1.56M)

here you can work on saturday and sunday, also at public holidays but you get extra $, also you're only allowed to work on max 2 days on these occasions in a month

Attached: rita_drink.jpg (3500x2500, 1.98M)

Attached: 2246537_HardyBoy_ychnv-01cv.jpg (1200x758, 341.73K)

ah, yeah same here, you get double the pay for working on rest days and holidays, as far as i know there is no limit though

Attached: jasiri and janja star wars -o.png (1024x1014, 397.36K)

Attached: 2931761_HardyBoy_knuddelbock.jpg (1300x1378, 269.85K)

10/10 would poach

>there is no limit

nostalgy :)

Attached: rita_argument.png (881x799, 164.13K)

haha, i'll give it a listen soon

Attached: jasiri sketch -o.jpg (1280x906, 451.07K)

Attached: 2717550_HardyBoy_marekdracocv.jpg (1300x1156, 229.04K)

nice sketch!

btw: this was the music we were going insane to it. 100% eurobeat :)

that guy in the "lederhosen" is nowdays a host for a "scientific" show. I put the scientific in " because the show is for people with a two digit IQ

Attached: rita_bedroom_eyes.png (900x553, 171.21K)

Attached: 2764798_HardyBoy_adamthejaggi.jpg (3889x4000, 1.9M)

>nice sketch!
nice trips!
>btw: this was the music we were going insane to it. 100% eurobeat :)
oh, never really heard of that category but i'll give it a listen soon enough
that guy in the "lederhosen" is nowdays a host for a "scientific" show. I put the scientific in " because the show is for people with a two digit IQ
you talking bill nye esq levels?

Attached: janja and jasiri 3 -o.jpg (640x640, 36.75K)

Attached: 2463878_HardyBoy_ych4neoshard2.png (1300x1025, 1.84M)

>you talking bill nye esq levels?


>never really heard of that category

young fella :P (I cant find the gifbut you've seen it as a Yas Forums banner)

Attached: jasiri_internet.jpg (500x589, 71.72K)

Attached: 2931631_HardyBoy_nb_2_cv.jpg (1300x1300, 380K)