Ask a fully recovered and rehabilitated Pedophile anything

Ask a fully recovered and rehabilitated Pedophile anything.

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Are you Jewish?


Sorry to here about Jeff, dude.

How did you do it?

A combination of medical intervention and extensive therapy.

How bad did things get for you?
Did you ever actually do anything?

what kind of medical intervention we talking?

Do you avoid the children's clothes section at Wal-Mart?

Things got quite bad before I got admitted to hospital.

I have no interest in it anymore. But I did buy children's underwear before I recovered.

Would you be willing to be specific?

Seconding this
And how long was your recovery?

It was non-invasive micro surgery. Its really difficult to remember the specifics. I have amnesia from the surgery.

I wasn't referring to the treatment

Can you re-phrase the question I don`t understand.

> I have amnesia from the surgery.
>It was non-invasive


Do you enjoy public parks and beaches for all the wrong reasons?

let the faggot have his fun LARP

How far did you slip into depravity?
Did you ever actually act on these urges?

Before I used to hide a mini camera in sun tan lotion to catch children changing on the beach after swimming. But now I have no interest at all. I cannot understand why I would have been interested in that in the first place.



How young were these children that interested you?

Do you think homosexuals can be rehabilitated from their degenerate behavior too?

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Not that young really. But young enough to be considered questionable. I have a lot of amnesia and grey areas that I had trouble with in therapy sessions.

If they can afford the best doctor for the surgery and have time for the therapy. I can`t see why not. I think I was lucky in this way. Not everyone has the money or time to get better.

Do you now enjoy MILFs. I do.

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No I prefer younger. A bit too old.

You're obviously not cured. MILFs are awesome.

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I`d disagree with that. My medical report states otherwise.

Did you ever come close to actually doing anything with a child?