A Battlestation Threas, Yas Forums?

A Battlestation Threas, Yas Forums?

Attached: battlestationfinished.jpg (4032x3024, 1.92M)

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r8 my set up

Attached: battle station.jpg (2500x1406, 949.41K)

8/10. Give your cabinet a once over though.

its such a pain in the ass to organize magic cards, i just dont feel like doing it if im being honest

Stupid cat sprayed my case and I can't stand the smell, makes me puke. Just ordered new case, but rate.

Attached: IMG_20200430_093522437.jpg (3264x2448, 1.48M)

you need to clean, holy fuck that give me anxiety just looking at it. also you would benefit 1000% from that left monitor being wall mounted on an arm

Walmounting an 8 year old brick of a t.v, suck a dick. Only reason it looks dirty is because my fucking computer is on my desk you idiot.

bruh wall mounts cost like 10 dollars and you can use them for other monitors if you get a new one. it owuld give you a shit load of extra room to keep your disgusting druggy desk cleaner

fucking retard those drugs are obviously ruining your brain

> (You)
>you need to clean, holy fuck that give me anxiety just looking at it. also you would benefit 1000% from that left monitor being wall mounted on an arm
Can u see nao?

Attached: IMG_20200430_094851560.jpg (3264x2448, 1.51M)

Bro, my house is old af Victorian style. Walls ain't holding no t. V

No try harder

Fucking shit hole what are you a fucking pig? Squeal piggy and tidy your shit. Barbarian.

faggot wannabee streamer. also tums pack on desk? turbofag

the 4th monitor on the left is 144Hz for fps only

Attached: IMG_20200306_222540.jpg (1200x900, 292.39K)

>weeb shit

good setup though 7/10.
Any advice for getting dual monitors? I might look into it.

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i dont stream, try again

If it's for gaming I don't recommend dual monitor,
but if you want it anyway, then get the same 1080p screen model, that's just it

There's no need to have ridiculously powerful computers to play your video games.

Most video game companies are shifting to cloud gaming.

All you need these days is a decent laptop.

pic related

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Just to much latency for me, but cloud gaming is cool nonetheless.

a single player game would be cool for cloud but id never play a multiplayer game based in the cloud. way too much ping

old fag checking in

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No kidding. I couldn’t even take the latency between my desktop and a steam link (on 50ft of Ethernet).

nice desk

based, titties lined up nice

Thanks, it’s just a cheap ass IKEA.

>cloud gaming
HAHAHAHAHA! no thanks. (even if it is free now)


Yas Forumsump

Attached: wall1.jpg (1916x1080, 612.04K)


>cloud gaming at 60fps
Bitch please

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Going from an i5 & 1060 to an AMD Ryzen 9 & gtx 2070 super. New build is on the FedEx truck as we speak and should be here in the next few hours. I’m so fuckin hype Yas Forumsros

>this is what your favorite twitch streamers room looks like

it will have corona all over it, look at your trips, you are cursed nigga.
take the money and run

legit cannot understand why they live like such degenerates. I feel a compulsion to clean my room if it's in a state.