Time for the rest of the world to take advantage of them.

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>still below average death rate
Okay Goldstein
Who would win, Italy or a few sneezy bois

I'm so glad Americans elected Trump and believe every little conspiracy theory online.

I’m sure it improves your non-American life greatly.

Italy 13% death rate. COPE EUROFAG

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>still below average death rate
Not by a long shot. Average deaths per million population is 29.4, USA is 187.
Lie harder.

Europoors have more deaths

>numbers mean anything without context
you mericans will die of stupidity befor any virus trust me on that one
2018 germany had like 67k deaths due to flue related causes. compare germany in size to burgerland.

What's with the hate boner for America

>Time for the rest of the world to take advantage of them
Go on then, give it a try. See what happens.

Please do try to "take advantage" of America, we'll be waiting...

It's easy to spot Americans, they are the ones without even a basic knowledge of statistics

denominator on the death rates using infections is incomparable between countries since testing is done differently

also america is still riding the curve while Italy's death count is decreasing since weeks

also USA's death rate/1M pop is rising sharply

also go drink bleach

and then you complain when we call you americtards

USA death rate 6%
My country's death rate 4%

Cope your own self.

You're waiting so long in your complacency that you don't realise that China already fucked your world dominance since a decade

What country along with your pop and population density?

My country's death rate is 1.7%

Not my country. Cope harder lard.

Cope europoor

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Guy didn't even post his country's stats whatever

Then why are you trying to shill for America? I smell bullshit.

Americans live in a 3rd world country so what do expect lol

Try again.

What? I'm not the guy you replied to. I'm just saying that my country's death rate is lower than yours.

I will admit America has fallen quite a degree in recent years

And how many did America have?

Scroll up

Europoors are a fucking third world shithole man smh. America should just blow them all up imo

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Imagine if your country actually tested correctly. OH WAIT THEY CANT. cause they are POOR :(

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Ah fair enough. Thought you were defending the lard trying to pretend they weren't doing demonstrably worse than the vast majority of the planet.

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lol Europe isn't a country you dumb fuck. Jesus it is really true what they say that Americans have no idea about anything outside of their country.

No wonder, you are all inbred pieces of shit.

man it must suck living in whatever shithole country you live in
>inb4 you say Portugal

This. America should just conquer Europe

You do realize the reason your country over in Europe prosper is cause America has been providing defense since ww2 right?

I'm perfectly fine, soyboi

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why trying to explain things to a donkey? americans are retarded. period.

Canadian here.. Americuck your numbers are disgraceful.. World leaders my ass. 3rd world country style healthcare. And when it comes to testing I laugh at any Americuck.. You’re failing testing.

says other countries are poor, America is literally $19.23 trillion in debt
BTFO Ameri-burger

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I literally didn't even say that though, also cope.

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You know that if a country with few tests tested more the death rate would go DOWN right? Majority of cases being asymptomatic and all.

Oh no, of course you don't. You are a lard with the education of a sea cucumber.

I like your impotent bravado.

>canadian here
Nigga stfu you're basically a ghetto America

Buddy you just had a mass that could have been stopped if your civvies were armed

> doesn't know how to answer
> attacks me personally

Ad hominem arguments are typical of your orange president, what else should I expect

Buddy you just had a mass shooting that could have been stopped if your civvies were armed

America is so "fucked" that I can't decide if I should buy a jetski or another Harley Davidson or maybe even another AR-15. Soooooo fucked HAHAHAHAHA

Well i hope India suffer as well

American here.

America is a ghetto Canada.


Personally i would choose ar-15

Canadian here.
Canada is a ghetto America.

Hey fucktards, it doesn’t just say country. It also says other, it’s a chart of different levels including continents.
Also astounding that you don’t realize that the US is essentially 50 countries so the comparison directly to Europe as a whole is pretty valid.

>I literally didn't even say that though
America is doing worse than most European countries. Better than (very) few of them.

Cope, lard.

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You literally did literally say that literally.

I swear this actually made me laugh. Like imagine someone actually being proud of being the king of rednecks

Oh wait he's American, that's sounds like an average Tuesday morning
> jump on my harley
> go kill some kids at school
> go buy a jetsky to celebrate

Just like how all those good guys with guns stop all the shootings there?

Cope eurofat

Europe isnt a country you idiot

You can say whatever bullshit you think makes sense to you but at the end of the day all you have to do is compare factual numbers. I know it’s difficult for Americuck’s to read stats and understand them competently (your president).. Hard facts don’t lie, follow the numbers. Americuck is handling corona pathetically.

Lol the US is not 50 different countries by any stretch of the imagination.

The peanut brained foreigner. How's your third world shithole? KEK

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I was told it's mostly fat and black people so I feel like we are getting stronger by the minute

plus this summer is gonna be a fuck fest, nothing like a body count to make bitches wet

stay mad limp dick commie

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Sure acts like it

hahaha my poor ass country has less deaths than america divided by 100.
keep complaining and hating on the rest of the world you jealous americuks.



Can't wait till all of Europe is just a larger venizuala



> Hey fucktards, it doesn’t just say country. It also says other, it’s a chart of different levels including continents.
Worldometer includes the whole of Russia and Turkey in the European continent, idiot
> the US is essentially 50 countries
omfg that's so hilarious. go look up the difference between state, country and nation

I bet you're one of the kids that when asked to locate the USA on a map you'll point at the center of the world because AMERICAH