

Attached: wtf.png (824x952, 868.41K)

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I got it too

What a pussy

from what i hear it only faggots are affected

anyone able to inspect element and figure out where it is in page so it can be disabled? cant find it

I know right the god damn jews love black cock

Looks like it's stuck behind the couch or something, right up against the camera

just saw it too and I know the webm it's from so I wasn't too bothered, just confused why it's there.

I couldn't find it in there either.

Found it and blocked it." autoplay="" loop="">

Attached: ASDAS.png (543x471, 36.07K)

noob question, but how to keep it from reopening this line once I reload/revisit? anyway to save it in cache somehow or whatever the appropriate way to call it is?

holy fuck that scared the bajissum outta me

"wtf" hahaha same

why do you want to disable a cat? you are a horrible person

this is SO random
it's things like this that keep me on Yas Forums

So what's it like being a faggot?

it scared the fucking shit out of me when it started moving.

so random


wish mot would come back and bless us with his antics

same here op

Attached: aswwwwwwwwww.000fsa.png (1060x757, 890.26K)

so no one knows how to keep kitty out of sight after reloads? or is it not possible since I dont have permission to access the server, right?

bunch of newfags kys

I like animals but I hope that cat gets hit by a truck

Just block it. I blocked it withing 20 seconds of seeing this shit.

>mfw I got rid of it in no time at all

Attached: 1575210128956.png (467x348, 122.43K)
just block that in ublock

only got it on the board

how though? I mean I get going into the inspect element page and deleting the node. Do I have to do that everytime i reload the page? can't I somehow save that in the browser to not include that node everytime i come in here?
I'm interested if that's possible since we're not the owners of the servers that Yas uses but we're simply just querying html pages from them which will include it everytime you reload or visit this page no?

>from Yas Forums
of course

just hide the thread

so I opened this in a new tab, right clicked it and I see at the very end block element but it doesn't highlight it or anything.