Greta Thunberg just started a new foundation to feed poor children in America and other starving nations. Thoughts?

Greta Thunberg just started a new foundation to feed poor children in America and other starving nations. Thoughts?

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What a horrible person she is

Yeah, cool. Give sandniggers and other trash even more money to continue harrassing every form of society that allows them to invade their country.

She knows her 15 minutes of fame are over
she is trying (in vain) to stay in the spotlight
no one will recognize her name this time next year

won't work cos making people keep depending on welfare

If the situation in their own countries were better, say food is available, they won't leave to emigrate and hurt your sore lil pussi

>this is what conservative retards actually believe

Truth hurts, boyyo

poor people will always exist regardless of level of wealth

Probably because they live in realty

probably their imagination

Happy for her, honestly. Hope it goes over well.
Autists will spin it to make it out to be some horrible thing, sadly.

Good on her for using level of international credibility to try and move towards children across the globe being able to eat> Other than that? Nothing much really, I don't really know her

It's not about giving the countries money, it's about providing a way to create sustainable food

huge fan of 0's

lol lowkey OP american bashing

Quads of truth.

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I'd love too.

Why feed these people tho? They are just going to have more babies that need more food. These people are useless and wouldn't even exist if it weren't for white people feeling bad for them.

by your logic, if money is tight around my house and I'm running low on food, I should be able to go to my neighbors house and raid his refrigerator? drink his beer and fuck his wife? Help control the pet population, have your pet spayed or neutered. Brown and black skins are the dumbest life forms on earth

implying a randomly generated sequence of number mean anything

She must hate corona...

Too old

no you guys definitely don't
you live in your feelings, your fear, your anger, your ignorance and faith in bullshit

based Greta

What fucking outstanding American logic of you. Black people don't spontaneously stop existing when white people turn around. Of course they would still exist moron. The only reason Africa has such a high continental birth rate is because these people are desperately trying to balance out the enormous death rate

This retard doesn't know the difference between theft and donation.

Yes please...
Top hot girl

Wait so she can’t talk worth shit but she can type? Not buying it

no, that's not my logic
like I said, if you fund development of these regions the people will stay where they are
you think they want to leave their homes, travel half-way around the world to a hostile country so they can slave away for meager wages? They do it because they have to due to economics or lack of peace and security.

Why do you think people from wealthy and developed countries aren't crashing US borders in high numbers? Just think this through for a change. Follow logic, you'll find it's refreshing.

If you were low on money, your neighbour would offer to help because that's what decent people would do. You moronic cunt. Being black doesn't make you stupid, being stupid makes you stupid, you are literally proof of concept

she's swedish, arabs have already destroyed her pussy. I think that's a law there or something, when a girl turns 11 she has to give get fucked by anyone named sayeed, mohammad, or hussien. It's all part of the Swedish hospitality organization, their motto is "If you're brown come to sweden and use my daughter as a muslim cum dump"

you're the fucking retard. Jews in parliment are the ones donating what don't belong to them. Tell me why there are so many jews in Swedish Parliment?

why are all the starving children brown
fuck them, let them die

What difference does it make if they're Jewish? What difference would it make if they were Sikhs? Or Christian? Or Atheist?

Better inject some bleach ASAP m8, or all this fake news might poison you. That’s how the frogs turned gay

This is reality

you have a lot to learn about life son. Keep on those rose colored glasses and bury your fucking head in the sand


as soon as she finds out what a dick is all this is going out the window lol
she's a 16 year old girl that was probably abused, seriously good luck keeping her on your straight and narrow path you have lined up for her
let me know how that went for all the other child stars

>Feeding a whores kids

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>What difference does it make if they're Jewish?

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Enjoy your (yous) for the day moron, I bet you've never left the state you were fucking born in

Natalie Portman is literally jewish dumbass

That's um... that's the joke. Yeah, I did that on purpose I swear.

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Besides being asexual, Emma has done fine