If Johnny Cash were an Olympic diver, he’d be Johnny Splash

If Johnny Cash were an Olympic diver, he’d be Johnny Splash.

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If Johnny Cash was a driver, he'd be Johnny Crash

If Billy Ray Cyrus got COVID-19, he’d be Billy Ray Virus.

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If Johnny Cash cut his hand, he'd be Johnny Gash.

Idk why but this thread is making me kek

If Johnny Cash were a sprinter, he'd be Johnny Dash.

If Dr. Fauci fell of his bike & scraped his knee real bad, he’d be Dr. Ouchie.

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If Johnny Cash were a potato, he'd be Johnny Mash.

If Johnny Cash were a serial killer, he'd be Johnny Slash

If Johnny Cash had facial hair, he'd be Johnny Tash.

Check those trips, fuckin keks

If Kurt Cobain was asian he would be Kurt Lo Mein

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If johhny Cash was a pornstar, he'd be Johhny Smash

If Johnny Cash was a stund driver he'd be Johnny Crash

trips confirms cash was a sweet potato

If Johnny Cash were a toker, he'd be Johnny Hash.


If Heinrich Himmler had a twin, he’d be Heinrich Similar.

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If Bob Saget was OP, he’d be Bob Faggot.

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If Johnny Cash had dog it would have been called Spot.



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If Johnny Cash caught an STI, he'd be Johnny Rash.

If Steve Harvey was cast in a woke remake of Little House On The Prairie today, he’d be Alice Garvey.

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this thread sucks balls
like your mom

If Johnny Cash exposed himself, he'd be Johnny Flash

lmao brainlet can’t think of anything

If Johnny Cash was a big green rage machine, he'd be Johnny Smash

If Bill Cosby was a pickle, he’d be Dill Cosby.

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You're such a child, coronafag, school soon hopefully

Fuck off newfag

If johnny cash was a women he would be called johnny snatch

If Johnny Cash worked in garbage disposal, he's be Johnny Trash

if kobe bryant died in a fiery helicopter crash he'd be kobe burnt

If Johnny Cash was the Joker, he'd be quoting crime statistics

If johnny cash did rap, he'd be johnny trash

If Johnny Cash died in a fire, he’d be Johnny Ash.

if johnny cash was a pro wrestler he'd be johnny bash

If Johnny Cash and Ron Jeremy were a gay couple the tabloids would call them Ron-John

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if johnny cash was a jewish banker he'd be johnny cash


If the NFL allowed special-needs players the Cleveland Browns would be the Cleveland Downs.

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If Elon Musk was an elephant, he’d be Elon Tusk.

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