Hey Yas Forumsros, what does one do about a wrongful rape accusation...

Hey Yas Forumsros, what does one do about a wrongful rape accusation? This stupid bitch at my University has very publicly accused me even though she has no evidence and nobody saw me do it.

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Just deny it or............ kill her?

Ask for the evidence that does not exist

press charges for slander and defamation

Me and my friends raped a girl in uni once. After the party she came back to my fucking house and got drunk so we raped her again.

Just keep saying you didn't do it get her drunk and keep doing it.

Go to your student's rights department, cooperate to the fullest, clear your name, and afterwards threaten legal action.

>she has no evidence and nobody saw me do it
So you did it?

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Dude that was the best time of my life. I remember in the middle of it. I was fucking her from the back my friend stuck his dick in her mouth so she was screaming but muffled and my other friend was just cussing her out. no joke this bitch started crying then came so hard she kick my dick out and she just kept crying and crying and it was making me so hard . Switched with my homie and just blew a massive load in her mouth. Like a fucking bucket she was gagging and crying and about to throw up. My friends paused and were like wtf you came so much and we all laugh really hard. Still friend with those guys till this day. Non of us knew each other when it happened.

Ha!! Ha!!! Got'em!

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Karma is a mother fucker. I expect one day some how it will come back on you. So, enjoy that thought.

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Talk to a lawyer. Now.

So, you're saying you didn't do it, or that she has no evidence nor witnesses you did?

I feel like you did rape her

Register as a Democrat.

Nigga you look like you got testicular cancer

you did it, hope you die in pain

Karma is for weak people who are to scared to go out an get what they want. Do you think these rich asshole that amerinas die for everyday ever see Karma? No its a bed time story for the poor and weak to keep you in line. In this life you take what you want pure and simple/

Rape her, your going down anyway

>raping a girl with a bunch of stranger = best time of my life
>now i brag about it on Yas Forums
are you an edgy 10yo liar or just a very very very sad loser?
i can't stop kekking, it's so fucking cringey

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you're a disgusting human being.

seems like you got what you deserve
be thankful that she got no proof
still i don't think you'll be able to get away clean since you are already cracking like this
also bait also sage

Ah yes "nobody saw you do it,: meaning you did it but nobody saw you i see ;)

Meh, don't really care. I'm super successful now after years of hard work. My bank account finally broke the quarter mill mark.

I'm glad I did it. It was an interesting experience. Taught me that there really isn't a god and things really don't matter. Nothing bad has ever really happened to me.

How do you know she didn't deserve it?

I don't know, you sound like the kind of douchebags. How can you be glad of raping someone? Don't you have a fucking conscience?

BTW having a 1/4 mil in bank doesn't make you "super successful", and that's a pretty sad way of measuring your life


also, I'm still trying to understand if OP is a rapist as well or not

>i don't care
>also best time of my life, listen to my story anons
>also i'm rich and happy, listen to me, I'M RICH AND HAPPY
>i did a good thing, she deserved it, i did a good thing, she deserved it, i did a good thing mom, i swear, she deserved it, honey why you look at me like this? i did a good thing, she deserved it, she fucking deserved it, every time i caress my daughter i know that she deserved it, i kniw that my daughter might deserve that too

sure, user, it's all true, this makes things waaay better for you

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Find him and ruin his life.

Mmm maybe, used to be a bleeding heart feel bad for people all that bullshit but after college when I started working it just kind stopped. We only have another couple of decades on this planet and then were done. Non of this really matters and its just going to be lost in time.

I know a quarter mill isn't a lot but its better than most. If I keep on track and get my stock I'll be up to a million by the beginning of next year. That would really be something. My parents were pretty poor and I support my entire family so it cool that I can pay off my parent's house.

honestly not worth it. He's just a douchebag. I just pity him.

If you're going to jail for something you didn't do, may as well do it for real and enjoy it.

Also she shouldn't have been dressed that way in the first place.

they are so proud of you user, expecially your mom
next time you fap to your immaginary rape story try to rape her instead
whoopsie, now it's in your brain isn't it?
have fun with your old mom gagging on your tiny cock while she cry

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