Anons who stopped to smoke, what was the biggest benefit you got back? I'm looking into better boners

Anons who stopped to smoke, what was the biggest benefit you got back? I'm looking into better boners.

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Lower my bp. I was smoking alot when i first stopped drinking. I don't like addiction or depending on things. So i quit for that reason but no other benefits just didn't want to.


not constantly smelling like shit,

being able to breathe better,

not wanting to get up from the table like 3 times when out with friends at dinner,

not worrying about how dead I'll be

this, minus the dying don't actually die from smoking

Had more money available.
Better health,easier to breathe.
Clothing didn’t stink of smoke.
Knowing i’d given myself of living longer without heart disease etc.

I don't feel like shit in the morning anymore. Improved lung function. Sense of smell came back. Don't get cold as easily.

More females interested in you.

people started calling me a fag because only faggots quit smoking

I would say the numbers actually balance off if you do smoke or not smoke, some girls prefer smokers, some do not. In the end its 50/50.

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I'd have to say "no longer structuring my life around when I can smoke" would be the best benefit. Honestly it had become such a PITA to take breaks all the time because you had to go outside, away from everyone during business and social events. I still smoked in my home but even then I had to clear ashtrays on the regular and air the place out. Smoking just wasn't fun anymore.

I smoked for 34 years and quit; anyone can if they want to.


Some have already touched on it, but the biggest thing for me was not being controlled by when I would need my next smoke. Not worrying about going to a movie, a baseball game, etc. because at some point I would need to go out to smoke and then have to deal with getting back in. Waiting rooms are a lot more manageable.

My boner changes if I quit smoking? Wtf please elaborate

Not having to shit while partying

Smoking causes narrowing/stiffening of the artery walls,and clogs them,thus reducing blood flow/supply.
Hence smoking can cause impotence.
Thus,quit smoking,you may get better boners.

My boners don't last very long and that worries me a bit. Gf like to ride for hours and I can only give her minutes, she never complained though.

Money, Money, Money
I quit smoking in 2014 and put the money I would spend on cigarettes towards a car payment instead.
I had a 2009 Honda Civic that I bought with 13k miles on it, took care of it, regular oil changes, filters, even took it to the dealership once a year for a full patdown. They told me it needed a new engine in 2015 at 81k miles. Dealership wanted $5800 because their shitty engine block cracked after 6 years. I told them to pound sand and took my leaky mess home.
I wound up buying a dealer driven "used" 2015 VW Passat with 2100 miles. At a pack a day price, my cigarette money JUST paid for my monthly car payment and lemme say, I know this isn't a car thread, but I will never own another Honda. This VW is easily 3x nicer and since I travel a lot for my new job, it's already gone farther than that piece of shit made it.

TL;DR - stop smoking, save money, make your life easier.

CDC data shows only 14% of the US population smokes as of 2017.
I can't imagine a whole lot of non-smokers would prefer a smoker as a partner

Source on this info?

I get hard more and my lungs dont hurt when I run


you seem to live a very interesting and fulfilling life

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I don't get very hard but feels horny anyways, sucks.

1. I dont have to shit so many times in a day

2. Saves money.

3.i can breathe better

4.why mouth no longer smells like i eat shit sandwiches

5.dont feel agitated that i dont have a smoke every 15 min

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I just stopped smoking 6 weeks ago. Honestly, I was expecting more of an improvement. Apart from the practical stuff, like money, stinking and all that, I don't really feel any better or have more stamina or anything. A bit disappointing...

Give it another 6 weeks, youll see

1 i shit once a day
2 i have money because im not fucking retarded
3 i can breathe enough
4 i can't smell my mouth
5 don't feel agitated because i can smoke whenever i want

>quitters have no arguments

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My main reason for quitting would be better erections, have any user got better results after quitting?

A lot money
Dont smells
Recognize more smells
A lot money

Money and everything else were not an issue to me, nor was my sexual performance, my dick worked fine, but I was only 22 when I quit anyway, so, still young.

The one relevant benefit about quitting for me has been the improved lung capacity. I run regularly now and it just feels good being fit and healthy

Lung capacity. Its a great feeling to take a deep breath

I need to quit. I started smoking cuz I would hit my buddies 50 mg salt nicotine. Shits like ripping 5 cigs. Got super addicted to that, so sadly I'm using cigs to get myself off of the whole vaping bullshit cuz cigs are less nicotine.

I quit last year at 30, dick was never broke so i dont know what youre reading. Regardless, you realize how much it stinks and others can smell it on you, better breath and no tar so whiter teeth, less bags beneath the eyes, less irritation from stupid shit, no annoying cravings for shit to couple with smoking like drinking beer just to smoke or visa versa, and youll be breathing a lot better. Additionally, I feel like I have had more energy and it makes cigars easier to enjoy if thats your thing. Plus money.

Just stop, trying to step down is useless for most people,put the shit aside and deal with being aggravated for a week or so

Fuck it, gonna die anyway. At least I enjoy smoking and I don't give a fuck who doesn't like the smell of smoke on me. Fuck them and fuck hippocrate ex smokers. Infact, fuck all of you.

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