Advice on working at an all-black restaurant? (not mcdonalds)

Advice on working at an all-black restaurant? (not mcdonalds)

Hey Yas Forums, this is the first job I have where I'll be the only white person. Is there anything I should know?

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Well it sounds like your going to a shit mcdonalds
Dont bring anythjng expensive to work like phone

You shouldnt take that job lmfao

i put in the op that its not a mcdonalds. its a wingstop

i dont have any choice really

monkey see monkey do. when a chimp out occurs step back and don't get involved because it's gonna be a chain reaction that everyone gets in on.

Someone might call you nigga, doesn't matter how much you want to say it just don't...

They'll probably try to haze you don't let them. Throw some punches if you need to

kek. you just don't understand the true spirit of the chan. we're nihilistic anarchists… with a twist.
we don't care if they were "innocent" (who is truly innocent, anyway?)
we just want to watch the world burn

imagine being so american you have to work at a mcdonalds with niggers

Thanks user I didn't really think of that situation somehow

lol i think using "nigga" is the last thing i was gonna do

What do you mean by "haze"

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keep your distance, use general phrasing (nothing specific to your region bcs blacks don't use the same language), be relaxed but cautious (think aware stoner), approach with general goodwill, earn a few favors, crack a few jokes, and you'll be fine

Buy lube

This. Go in, do your job, don't make friends. Don't deal with them, don't meet them outside of work, do your best not to even talk to them.

bring a banjo to work and play it while you dance a little jig on your break. and if they ever ask you to grab them a soda only ever pour them tea that's so sweet it could kill an elephant.

Exactly this.

I was thinking about that image while making this thread but I didnt use it

Thanks for the advice user, seems more like a relaxed answer than others but I'll note it down

pic related

This is more of what I was expecting. Just to get by each day and do what I have to.

pic related

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Remember that they are vicious animals. Don't give them any excuse to attack

bring a joint and make friends

When someone does something nice for you, give them a banana... bananas = friendship

Top kek


they'll respect you more if you casually use the word "nigga" like you're one of them

im straight edge

I made this thread so that I don't fucking die lol

Study ebonics

the first coming out of your mouth when you get there is nigger

Niggers are incapable of actual teamwork. Be prepared for that.

Real Answer: Just act normal - its just a shitty Job

1) You will be the only one who works
2) You will be the only one who doesn't stink
3) Do not bring your wallet, or money. Try to avoid taking your car in if you can.
4) Don't make eye contact or smile. Like Chimps, the will mistake your bared teeth as an act of aggression.
5) If one starts a fight with you, 5 others will instinctively swarm in for blackup.

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Always carry a few boiled sweets wrapped in metallic foil in your pocket. If things get dicey throw said sweets to the ground. When the inevitable melee occurs (as your colleagues will think these are precious gems) make your escape

Just wear blackface to fit in with the niglets.

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You're gonna want to get a new job. Never, ever let a nigger borrow money.

I have another job lined up, but I have to wait until the pandemic is over, they said. I need to pay for food and rent so I absolutely have to take this job for at least a month. My other job is working with Chinese, so it should be much better, but I have to survive somehow.