Just got asked by a female friend to be a bull for her and cuck her bf...

Just got asked by a female friend to be a bull for her and cuck her bf. Fist time doing this and not really knowing how it's gonna be, but I accepted. What to expect? Never been on either side of a cuckold.

>pic unrelated

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Penis goes in vagina

Get those light-up plastic horns for the proper bull look.

You're full of shit you larping faggot.

Ok faggot

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More of this convo OP.

>larping this hard

Fuck off

No you didn’t

All cucks deserve a swift death

No you didn't. But as a bored prepubescent faggot, I'm sure it will make you feel nice if someone believes your bullshit.

That proves what? That you know how to use a text message spoofer? Fuck off larper.

Wasn't anything special. We've been friends for a while but this coronavirus got us locked in. Just wanted to figure out who this guy was

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Kill her, kill him, then kill yourself.

If I wanted to impress random people I don't care about I would've went to reddit and good free internet points.

fuck off with this degenerate shit.

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Probable LARP but just in case this is real: the boyfriend will immediately regret it once it becomes real and not just a jerk off fantasy.

is she fine? post pics

That's what I thought. Buuuuuuut at the same time its free puss and a reason to have my way xD

I'd post photos normally, but I realized that I didn't blur out her name and I know the incels on here that will dox her if they have a photo

Depends on the guy. If hes a sit back and watch type or a "director" type. Hopefuly the former if its your first time. Just get in your own mindset try to zone out and not think of the situation just fucking her. If the guy is trying to suggest positions or what he wants to see just eaither asert your dominance or do what he says(now it depends on his level of cuckholdrery). If hes really beta once you asert your dominance you got the "my wifes boyfriend" situation.
>Just have fun user.

First legit person answering. Thank you. That's the idea that I had, but a second person saying so helps

Sounds like you are the cuck

Yep, the original post and these screenshots don't seem to match up.

Nah. Just respectful. We've already slept together a handful of times. There's a time and place for domination

Show pics of her

Are you guys fwb?

you forgot to put shit at the end of bull

Yes. 2 months or so now

this... To me it seems like shes more into this new guy shes "kinda" seeing... asking you if you would be down for someone to watch was just a gentle version of fuck off, and she probably thought you would say no. Shes probably gonna cancel last minute.

SAGE you are underage, get off my Yas Forums