The portal to horny teenage boy world is open! Send your girl and roll for her fate!

The portal to horny teenage boy world is open! Send your girl and roll for her fate!
0-Returns Home
1-Horny teenager becomes her slave
2-She owns multiple slaves
3- Forced to be a sex ed teacher/demonstrator
4- Harem slave for dictator's son
5-Blackmailed by little bro's friends
6-Assigned to a repopulation center. Multiple daily breedings
7-Forced to mate with a genetically compatible teenage boy
8- Loving wife of a horny teenager
9- Public free use in-school stress reliever
Dubs: you go too

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How sad is your life


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More of her for the love of god

You'd really make poor Sammy do this? Imagine what those gross teen boys will do to her tits?

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Maybe more girls will want to go into the portal lol

I'll send my 1 friend in, I'm almost positive shes into young boys her daughters age so let's see what happens to her. Rolling.

I imagine she would have a little shots slave for masturbating. Ok, I'll send my girl too out of curiosity. Rolling.

Well she gets one of her own. I have so many ultra feminist friends who I want to see broken and enslaved by horny middle schoolers. Rolling.

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Oh shit, what do lucky quads do?

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Quads is you become the shota, or she mind breaks and falls in love with the horny little pervert assigned to breed her

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Being a dictators kid has its perks. Imagine taking out the stress of puberty on that body

I'm down to be the shota king.

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Post all u got


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Rolling for 3, 6, or 9

Why do I keep rolling multiple sevens lol. I should play the lottery

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>but you is gettin butt fuct by teenaged boys, boy

The shota king does the butt fuckin around here, mang


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9? Damn, that is a bit too much, but I guess she would enjoy it.

Here we go, she's innocent so hopefully nothing bad

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Damn, having to watch that girl debase herself by becoming the doting wife to a horny shota.


How would she dominate her slaves