Comfy tripping on 120μ swiss acid. let's have a conversation, boys

comfy tripping on 120μ swiss acid. let's have a conversation, boys

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hows the trip so far, user?

it's nice and mellow, like a warm breeze. And a bit thirsty. How are you doing man?

Have you done some other shit, Yas Forumsro?

Why are you inside on fucking Yas Forums?

Go out in nature, listen to music, especially classical music, eat fresh food, go to the water, anything but stare at a screen, this is such a fucking waste.

I have only done acid once but it was a super enjoyable time for me. Up in the mountains camping for a couple of days. I took it on a sunny morning and the rest of the day felt like a dream. Had a lot of good reflective moments and felt very “connected” like they say. I hope you have a great time!

doing all that is good and all but from time to time i like to take about 300ug and stare at a blank wall.
can get pretty interesting when your mind has no stimuli

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doing pretty good myself, dawg, listening to some joe rogan podcast wishing I had at least half a gram of weed rn but this lockdown is forcing me to stay sober so that kinda sucks. I never tried acid even though I had the chance to, but I refused because I'm last year in uni and got fuckload of important exams coming and got advised to postpone it because it might temporarily fuck me up. so thats why im curious to learn more about acid and your trip rn user

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today? no. in general, I'm on lemon haze RSO from time to time. Today just seemed like a good day to explore for a bit
dude it's raining, nice and comfy day indoors wrapped up with some tea and good tunes, don't be a spaz
those are ideal settings for a first time, no doubt. I appreciate the reflection that comes out of these new senses being awakaned

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sounds pretty beautiful, should probably try it sometime, as long as ones in a good place I'm sure it could get interesting
the lockdown really forces us into relearning how to be with ourselves in new ways, for better or for worse.
Yea, that's a wise decision, you've gotta be in the right place, frame of mind and completely at ease when you do it. it's interesting, if I were to describe the sensation right now, it's like millions of ears and eyes all over my skin just opened up, like insects' antennas and it just lets you see, feel and experience things in a whole new light.

sounds cool as fuck, user. I was gonna ask you about bad experiences but I realized it could fuck with your trip a little and there's no real need for that. enjoy the fuck out of it Yas Forumsro

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No, it's alright bro! a long time ago I was borrowing a cabin in the woods for a few days and during that time, in nature and quiet and all, figured it was perfect, however.. I don't know if it was me or the acid, but it just threw me completely off kilter. It was terrifying at first and I tried to go to sleep but every time I closed my eyes I kept going through awful experiences.. it was laboring pains I guess and I came to the conclusion that "memories are regurgitation of undigested experience" and that was just some personal issues and trauma I had to go through again (and again and again) until I reached some kind of ego death and at that point it was liberating - I did come out on the other side a better, more whole human being, and in hindsight am thankful for it, but at the time I thought I would die. I appreciate it, man

Im jealous OP, ive just got home, gonna fill my bong bowl to the brim, smash xbox for an hour then workout, working out stoned is great, just takes some getting used to.

damn, that sounds pretty fuckin hardcore. kinda terrifies me a bit because I know ill 100% go through that as well but at the same time I dont doubt I'll come out of it better. have you done shrooms? I know shrooms are way softer than acid and I plan on doing it with em but I'm curious if you have any advice for shrooms as well. keep in mind I only did ecstasy/mdma/cocaine besides weed, so shrooms and acid arecompletely unknown to me

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It sounds like a good time to me, in these quarantine-days I'd love to come and hang out.
I never worked out stoned, but it's just because I had this idea that it doesn't do anything for you, I might've gotten it all wrong. I'll try it out sometime for sure
they say that if LSD spreads your branches, shrooms sets your roots. It's very different, from what I've tried psilocybin has a dirtier feel to it, earthy and heavy (if that makes sense). I guess pic related is really the best way to describe/differentiate the experiences.

I used to be heavy into xans and oxy for years and thought it was the life but it's pure poison, man. I think LSD sort of helped me deal with so much shit over the years I've come out a healthier, happier and more sober (unironically, I barely ever drink anymore and used to do that to an abusive extent too). It's all part of our exploration in getting to know ourselves and our place in the world. I don't even have my depression (which was what lead me into abusing benzos in the first place) and I think it's a lot thanks to psychedelics

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that's a dope ass pic. thanks for sharing

what you listening to OP

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I hear the swiss shit is some of the best right now, and your newfag ass took just enough to get stuck in a come up for 6 hours.
Fucking smarmy little pussy.

no problem bro. In my personal opinion LSD is the better of the two, however, microdosing on it really boosts creativity and happiness too.
nice visuals, hombre, pic related
don't be a homo, dude. It's a chill, rainy gray day across the world in the middle of a working week so take that negativity somewhere else

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the only important information

my man

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nigger didn't read comfy in the comfy thread

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Have a good one user relay us some.information from the new dimension kek. I cant wait to trip again. My first trip was a rollercoaster of emotions but i loved it and it was a positive experience

Kek... what, it comes with provenance papers?

loving the visuals
made me laugh
thanks man! latest news from here would be the oneness of it all. Boiling it all down to 0 and 1, off and on.. it's all vibrations and life is a mystery to experience and not a problem to solve

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Where do they make acid in switzerland? I know their weed is garbage though

in a lab would be my guess but fuck if I know, I'm not him

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Sometimes i will start working out and not be into it, but most of the time it gets me in the zone!