Why is Sweden doing so good compared to countries who issued lockdown? Did we destroy or economy for nothing?

Why is Sweden doing so good compared to countries who issued lockdown? Did we destroy or economy for nothing?

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sweden is bull of fit healthy babes.... unlike ameritard land where everyone is obese and has respiratory or heart problems, hence more deaths.

Whoopsies! Wrong screenshot :) :P ^^

Attached: whoops.png (439x574, 21.34K)

That's just straight up misinformation you fucking retard.

Also, they are 10M people,
so if you want the US equivelant, times it by 33

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I got my picture from Worldmeters, yours seem to be edited with some kind of computer program. Is this how far liberal fake news media will go to spread fake news|?

Weak and retarded bait mate.
Sweden fucked up when it comes to the elderly which increases the death toll but allowing the disease to spread slowly will make a difference when it's all over.
When places locked down totally starts opening up there will be the same situation as in Sweden anyway, vaccines are years away.

It's predicted that around 15% of worlds populations has already been infected.

Let's also not forget that Sweden has universal healthcare.

It's sad as fuck about the old folks dying tbh but the combo of no official shutdown but mostly responsible people (outside of little America aka Stockholm) might play out okay.

Their whole strategy is herd immunity through infection. However, there is no evidence that this immunity actually exists, given there are 50 strains now.

At least their economy is still in decent shape.

That was a sillywilly!
Hewe is my sourceyworcey: www worldometers info/coronavirus/country/sweden/
Sowwy for the fuckywucky! ^^

Sweden is not doing good, Sweden is looking at the highest death rate amongst its elderly in europe.

Check out Australia and New Zealand's figures. They both done good.


because corona virus was never a threat to begin with. Yes a lot of $ was lost for nothing.

Half of australia's infections can be traced back to party a bondi beach a month ago. Should be doing better

I live in Sweden. It's terrible here, no one uses masks and many restaurants closed down for not following the rules of social distancing.

I wonder why that could be, lol. Isolated from major population centers by thousands of miles of oceans, super low population density etc.

It’s no worse then the flu. Just more contagious.

Also, they acted early with stay at home orders and the population did as they were told. No slow-to-react president dickhead or faggotty protests to endanger more lives.

Do some research, retard

Are you arguing that it's not more contagious?

Faggot detected

It's more contagious and also far worse. And it's "than", not "then".

Why is Sweden doing so good compared to countries who issued lockdown?
Maybe extreme faggotry is the true cure

The virus is shit, but this kind spastic thinking got us fucked with it. Wouldnt have been half the problem it is now if people actually took notice when they had a chance

>living in a country with more than a 2% fatality rate

Why are Aussies the only good breed of people, Yas Forums?

they are actualy doing significatly worse then others with simular populations.

they chose to let the elderly die.

OP is a retard and a faggot

I don't know why nobody remembers this, but Swedes have ENORMOUS personal space needs and value introversion. They've been social distancing far before the outbreak began.

Also Sweden is sparse as fuck, most trade and travel comes by sea (slow, easy to quarentine), few tourists (no initial infection load from Chinese tourists), and the population generally listens to the government (less renegade churches, businesses, protests). On top of this, they have an extensive healthcare system, stocks of tests, and a competent public health administration, and they're one of the latest countries to confirm the virus. They're well-positioned to take the medical shock.

In general, Sweden is better prepared for the outbreak. I imagine this is why they chose the humoral immunity route. I don't know how it will pay off, but if there's anyone that this approach makes sense for, it's Sweden.

Attached: swede.jpg (640x466, 46.26K)

This, they arent doing good, they just dont give a fuck about the death of elderly. They are also not accounting for death amongst the elderly. Basically the numbers they publish a terrible underestimate, because fuck old people

How the fuck is someone in Seattle going to infect someone in Florida? total population isn't a factor in disease spread across a population, only proximity are. America is astonishingly bad at responding to this, and will get worse with its current attitude.

Also if your point was legit, then why is America worse than China or India or Africa (the whole continent) etc etc

Sweden is doing well well because the've self isolated for the past couple of decades.

They aren't, not yet at least. Norway with half the population has 209 dead as of now. Sweden has 2586, more than 10 times of Norway, but with only double the population.

It's also worth mentioning a reduction in regular flu deaths in Norway, in total less people have died compared to a normal year.

But that being said, the numbers could potentially look different in a year or so.

Sweden is doing worse than the US, they are one of the worst countries in the world. But yes, general nordic ackwardness propably helps our countries.

>'Murica duing sports
"It's not about the population number, it's about the quality of the people!"

>'Murica when they are dropping like faggot flies
"It'S bEcAusE wE haVe So maNy pEoPle, noT a RefLectiOn oF tHe majORiTy"

Just admit you're all weak, Amerifats

>21,092 cases
>2,586 deaths

How this fuck is that good? Thats unmistakably worse than most.

>256 dead per million

That makes it 10th worst country for corona deaths in the world. Stop spreading media lies

Nothing compared to Finland though. Can't even sit two people in a couch

kek. you just don't understand the true spirit of the chan. we're nihilistic anarchists… with a twist.
we don't care if they were "innocent" (who is truly innocent, anyway?)
we just want to watch the world burn

Haha xD

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>Sweden is doing well well because the've self isolated for the past couple of decades.

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Denmark and Norway has half their population and six times less deaths.

The entire Nordic region combined has less deaths than Sweden.

Even when accounting for population, Sweden makes up 10.000.000 people, the rest of the North makes up 17.000.000 people, but around half the number of deaths.

Business as usual does not work and Sweden is proof.

It isn't, those numbers are out of date. Last I checked it had like 6 times more deaths than the other Scandinavian countries combined.

because the pandemic broke during your summer.