What am i in for?

what am i in for?

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a video game called "dark souls"


A hell of a good game and well worth playing but some tough ass frustrating as fuck boss battles... my advice use the computer assistants every opportunity you get those cunts are life savers...

A shit game

A journey.

depends on your age if you been gaming for a while and used to games that are unforgiving than its pritty easy

if you have only been gaming for 10 years or so get ready to fuck up a lot

Get angry and uninstall the game

>its pritty easy

Autistic and mentally retarded. Wow.

A game that rewards you not following guides

A good time.
Then the Capra demon.
Then more good times.
Then the devs run out of time and money close to the end.

5 out of 5, best game


Anywhere from a nice ride with some bumps to needing to take notes depending on how much game journalist you have in you

the definition of epicness

I got stuck in 5min.

>hurt durr
>dawk soulz hard
>herp dert

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one pf the hardest games you'll ever play. fucking great game though. easily in my top 5. maybe even number ome.

All the people whining it's hard are just bad at games or bandwagon and never have played it. It's very fun and I'd love to go back and play it for the first time again

You are in for some good challenge and if you know the lore, also tears.
You do what you must even while you don't want to.

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memorize the attack patterns of intentionally delayed attack animations with unintuitive hitboxes the game. comes with the "watch yourself get coinflip 50/50 backstabbed in pvp" dlc.

only games worth playing from this series are bloodborne and sekiro.

Be warned if you get into it all other games will suck

After DS series every other games seemed pretty boring.

A really good game that sometime is bullshit and his controls are kinda clanky.
if you don't wanna break your hands use a controller, playing with mouse+keyboard is worse than hell

I finished DS2 with a mous and keyboard since at the moment of its release all controllers were gone in every shop. Figures.

I installed Dark Souls 3 and was just like what the fuck is this shit? The graphics are horrible and the character feels stiff.

Dark Souls 1 and Demons Souls is the only good ones out of the series.

Have you played Dark Souls 3? What's your opinion on it? I haven't touched Dark Souls 2 because everyone said it was cack.

I have to say my favourite dark souls clone so far is Nioh.

Dude mouse and keyboard on Dark Souls 1 with DSfix is the best. You need to rebind if you can, because the default layout is bollocks.

can confirm
if you get hooked by ds, games will never be the same again

Am I the only person that likes DS2? I even got the remastered one.


There's a remasted of Dark Souls 2?
I still play it, I like how many options there is to build your character.

Kind of, it’s Scholar of the first sin. They fixed the frame rate and some balance issues.

Oh that. But yeah, DS2 is pretty good game.