
Attached: Emily Owen suicide.jpg (1710x1330, 1.36M)

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old news moron....

Emily Owen, from Kings Lynn, Norfolk, was described by her family as sensitive and "a little bit crazy." Four years ago she was diagnosed with high-functioning autism.

Her friends revealed how the 19-year-old had self-harmed in the past as a "cry for help." Sometimes she would choke herself unconscious "to feel in control," her friends said.

Emily's family suspect the "fear of the unknown" caused by the Coronavirus pandemic may have driven her over the edge.

> misspetitenaijablog.com/2020/03/25/autistic-teenage-model-19-killed-herself-over-fears-of-coronavirus-isolation-photos

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“..tried to take her own life”


No, she did take her own fucking life.

Lmao what a retard

Nothing of value was lost.

Just a attention seeker who couldn't cope with just waiting.


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>“..tried to take her own life”
>No, she did take her own fucking life.
Obviously. But media being media want to leave you thinking "yet another victim of this terrible virus."

i had not seen it before.
better than "social fap thread #6999"

Does this girl look autistic to you???

> i couldn't cope with not getting as much attention as i'm used to, so in a massive act of selfish narcissism i "attempted" suicide but actually managed to off myself because i'm a fucking retard
the story

Nobody cares, that some suicidal chick thought she could use coronavirus to justify killing herself, I bet her family laughed when she was finally gone

literally who?

If she died, then it WASN'T an "Attempt".

unbelievable ass for a white girl

>plans cancelled
>better kill myself

Light skinned bitch, but that's a 10/10 ass.

Thot: Patrolled.

Autism doesn't have a "Look"

Good riddance white cunt.

The gene pool benefits without such a vapid, oxygen thief to pollute the world with it's self importance and mediocre dreams.

This happened 10 days ago, we had threads, we discussed, it’s old news now

>I couldn't deal with not getting dicked down every day by a different guy and not posting dumb shit on my social media every day about all the cool shit I did because that's the only thing I do and without it I am an empty shell.

I think some sort of tribute may be fitting.

By cumming to her

She died in hospital, you really don’t understand how coroner reports and cause of death works do you.

was she?

Kills herself but they will record it as died by corona virus. I guess that’s technically half true

God damn it, forgot pic.
Was she feebleminded?

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Another covid death. Tragic

The act of suicide didn’t work, it’s not open ended. If I tried to hang myself and it didn’t work but I gained a blood clots and later died in hospital from that blood clot, the cause of death isn’t suicide

That's the damn truth.

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For all you idiots who don’t understand how cause of death works.

If a man has cancer and he gets hit by a car and dies, the cause of death is a RTS
If a man has cancer and he gets corona and dies, the case of death is corona.

Cause of death is specific, it’s why there are inquests and coroners, underlying health conditions and other illnesses DO NOT MATTER

Dumb girl, but what a waste of an ass.

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Probably listed as a coronavirus death.

luckiest coroner ever

“After a combination of being exposed to the coronavirus, and being hit by a train, young Billy sadly was taken from us. Another sad death as a result of Covid-19. Remember, stay home!”

why do they call it an attempt if it succeeded?

You know if this was a male nobody would cover it as "news".