To straight male anons, if you were offered $7...

To straight male anons, if you were offered $7,500 to have your butthole fucked by a gay man for 15 minutes and then he cums in you, would you do it?
>Gay man has average length and girth erect cock
>STD free gay man
>Guranteed secret

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Remember, it's not gay if balls don't touch

Fuck it, 7500 is 7500.

To be honest, I would accept the offer if he also wears a condom.

nope, i'm not gay

double it and i'm on it


no amount of money

I've done it for free, I'd definitely do it again and take the money

only if he says #nohomo every 30 seconds

It’s not even gay if you don’t cuddle before and after

I’ll do it for $7,000

For 7,500 bucks, you must be kidding. Actually I don’t think there’s any amount of money, even billions, that would make me agree to that. I don’t think all the money in the world be enough to undo the trauma, I’d have to live for the rest of my life knowing I let another man fuck me in the ass. Wouldn’t be worth it.

As long as I don't get the bug then fill up my insides daddy.

I'd do it even if it wasn't a guaranteed secret.

Fuck yes

Shit, 7,500 is 7,500 only thing that's making me think twice is how much it must hurt

No you faggot. 7500 is not enough for the life long trauma of selling your asshole to a faggot despite being straight. It needs to be at least $100,000

wow 2 dick what a super faggot

>STD free gay man
Who arrives by unicorn with his leprechaun friend from the candy land over the rainbow?

Bitch, I would let him shit in my hands and watch me clapping while he destroys my ass.
For 500 bucks I can add make up and call him my daddy, shit I can marry him for less than that.

Gonna regret It for a while but worth 7500€

I mean double the money, fag


While he's shitting raibows too

Absolutely. That's a lot of money and definitely worth anything that's just a "done and then over with" event of any nature. So long as it doesn't leave any lasting damage.

Wouldn't take a cock for a billion

I can smell your insecurity

$7,500 is not enough. You'd need to make it worth my while as I'm not poor

Nah. I'm comfortable financially and wouldn't really be into the experience.
Nothing wrong with it, just not my thing.

Sure. $7500 is good money for 15 minutes of work.

You are on Yas Forums. Yes you are.


One off from quints. Damn nigga

Oh shut the fuck up, you’d take a cock for a million.

> be billionaire
> host huge party on my yacht
> beautiful people drink shampagne and make polite conversation
> afterwards I take 2 heiresses to my huge bedroom
> halfway through i suddenly remember what I did to earn my riches
> flashback of a huge sweating man unloading in my tender bumhole
> I instantly go soft as the two lovelies take turns to suck me
> what’s wrong user?
> make excuses and lock myself in the bathroom and sit on the floor for hours

hands down yes 7,500 is a lot of money for me.