How do I stop being a degenerate?

How do I stop being a degenerate?

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End yourself

Posting ass

the goal is to hide it from the world and manage it, not stop it; you feeble-minded piece of shit.

Don't realy understand why you would ? Why stop when it feels so amazing.

Just eat a lot of food.

Get off Yas Forums first of all, and quit over watching porn.

The only fucking reason you faggots are turning into trannies, is because you legit overconsume porn. You're bored, and probably a little gay, but look at yourself.. did you really wanna grow up to be the guy that likes men with tits?

I don't wanna be a tranny though. I'm an overweight, balding 32yo hairy ape. I'd make a godawful tranny. It's just the fantasy that is making me go crazy. I'm just a really submissive person I guess and this is on the more extreme end of being a sub I guess, so that's why it's so hot for me.

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>It's just the fantasy that is making me go crazy. I'm just a really submissive person
You have 2 options:

1. Stop porn and masturbate purely to fantasy forever
2. Embrace your degeneracy and fuck your own ass until your locked dick spurts cum handsfree

That's not as pleasurable as you'd think. You cum in pain.


Ask the child you were. You know, this child that wanted to be a firefighter or something.
Imagine you were to meet this child, what would he think ? What would you tell him ? Try to make him proud.

Not OP: As a kid I wanted a boyfriend. Sadly I still don't have one.

Why ?

I didn't come here to feel.

Why would you want to? Don't kink-shame yourself bro.

Delete your windows system 32 file. Its how the FBI tracks you.

Make plans to equip future-you to win the battle between present-you and future-you with increasing frequency. Stop fucking your future self over with stupid impulsive decisions. Verbally berate yourself (literally - out loud if possible), when you do stupid shit. I'll even go so far as to punch myself in the skull hard enough to make a bump. Anything to break free from the vacuum of the 'now' and remember what the big picture is.

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But you're not a child a child anymore, you should make your current and future self proud

Step 1: Start with nofap and then game a little less. Replace the suddenly copious amounts of free time you now have with self improvement like reading books on social skills (if you need it, I do) or any other skill you think might help in your career. Excercise. Make things, anything. Non-nsfw art, music or something. Learn to dance salsa, it's fucking fun. Learn bachata if you like the music, it's fun too. Leisure time could still be a little gaming or binging on anime and shit. Don't slack around too much though.

Just lay off the porn. And don't visit hookers. If you're attached, let sex with gf be the only sexy times you have.

When you're horny and the missus isn't around, do 10 pushups (or more if you're not a fat fuck like me). Repeat.

Step 2: Attain immortality.

You're a retard. Never again speak on adult matters.

not that user, but this is solid advice
>Just lay off the porn. And don't visit hookers. If you're attached, let sex with gf be the only sexy times you have.
Been practicing this for the past 4 months. Lately I've slipped back into watching a bit of porn cause of quarantine horniness, but I'm going to force myself to stop starting now
>When you're horny and the missus isn't around, do 10 pushups (or more if you're not a fat fuck like me). Repeat.
This is a great idea user, will do

Different guy, but yes, this. Especially step 2. I'd tentatively add a step 3: believe with every fiber of your being that you are actually immortal, but still able to experience pain. Don't take stupid risks, but otherwise live your life under the assumption that you're at the very least a demi-god in the making.

I can't even do two pushups lol

do one then

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That can be easily-remedied by not being a fat/skinny, weak bastard. Even menopausal women can do 2 pushups. Raise the bar, mate. Start with what you know you can achieve, and then keep going.

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Still here? I have a few motivationals I can throw down.

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Since there are only a few of these, I'll add that the feeling you get when you put in legitimate, planned effort, and the result is that you effectively shape the world around you to meet your own designs... is the closest thing to addictive godhood I've ever known. When you work out, and finally some bitch turns her head to get a second look at you on the street when nobody would ever have before. That's satisfaction. Make that your goal.

Also, remember that depression is only a clinical issue if it's not a natural reaction to being at the bottom of the social barrel. If your life is shit, depression is natural. Your serotonin levels will literally increase with your social status. The more alpha you get, the better you feel. Don't let anybody medicate you or tell you you have a problem. Society taught you how to fail, not nature.

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