Femanon here, why do men like when their girl is a slut?

Femanon here, why do men like when their girl is a slut?

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I recognize this bitch

I like when my girl is a slut for me. Idgaf how she dresses in public or how many guys look at her. What I do care about is her body count and if she has taken nigger dick. Coalburners are my deal breaker.

You know the rules. Tits or gtfo

Never said it's me, retard. Dick or gtfo.

Fuck your rules, tiny faggot. Dick of gtfo.

>I like when my girl is a slut for me
>I don't like when she's actually a slut
Jesus fucking christ, you fucking idiots.

It's just hot. Try being monogamous for over 10 years. You'll eventually realize the hottest thing you could ever see is your gf sucking another cock. Just to spice things us, basically.

I prefer a girl who's not a slut, plus her liking anime and being a racist tomboy would be a big bonus

I don't? Also define slut.
For me, if she wants to have a little fun in her life before she inevitably die so be it. Me and her have only one life and she can do whatever she wants if she tells me first.

She doesn't exist yet but maybe in the future.

This is the problem, you're thinking. Stop that and get back in the kitchen, breakfast wont make itself.


We don't

based and tomboy-pilled

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more like this

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If you have to ask, you must be a fat foreveralone.

Did some dude pick the slutty girl over you? Its because you're not desirable. We like the "slut" because shes, unlike you, hot and puts out. Nobody wants the chunky monkey who gets clingy

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Because some men can only find value in something if it's valued by someone else. There, now you understand cuckolds and people who won't shut up about buying gold.

Remember to sage and ignore without tits fggts

I just like cute girls. Not sure where the idea that men like sluts came from. I like fucking them but they have no chance at a prolonged relationship.

true, I'd love to dominate her.
>tfw no STALKER tomboy gf to explore the zone with

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I think the real reason is that men have been conditioned by the mass media, porn and the rest of the culture to do so.
Since little boys, they've seen posters, commercials, magazines, celebrities etc

Basically, the WHOLE cultural stream pushes you towards liking it

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Masha Babko...

I’m with this user. It’s perverse and adds a tantalizing twist to the relationship. I wouldn’t want my wife to cheat or become emotionally involved with another, but the idea of her getting off on another dick, in a living dildo kind of way, is as interesting and hot as it is morally deprived.

One can only dream for a qt3,14 stalker tomboy gf :\

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>>I like when my girl is a slut for me
>>I don't like when she's actually a slut
>Jesus fucking christ, you fucking idiots.
Oh jesus we got another cuck

What's so hard to understand with that? I like when she's a slut for me, and not ever have being one with other men.

And not fucking a Tyrone. Mudsharks deserve the rope.

Nah bitch. That's not the rules

Tits or gtfo

>thread started by faggot closet retard
>replies from virgins, underage, etc

Femcels are retarded

welp back to /k/ and instagram for my fix to tomboy anime girls

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Including you

Slut for you? What does that even mean? Do you know the definition of the word 'slut'? How exactly can be a slut for you without doing what sluts generally do?

Nah, incel. Dick or gtfo.

You know the drill

I'm neither of those, wat do

Rules are rules nigger, adhere to them, or accept the label of being some faggot male pretending to be a femanon

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Do you like it because it's humiliating for the woman? Like being used as a cumdumpster? Or do you like it because she would like it?

He just means he wants a girl who's horny for him and only him.

>Remember to sage and ignore without tits fggts

^^^ this.