What's your IQ and race Yas Forums?

what's your IQ and race Yas Forums?

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Depend by the test, however arroud 120, I'm northern Italian

110 nignog

I've taken a couple. First one scored 176, second one a few years later was 146.
There's no way they're accurate.

140 -- Russian/Finnish

56, negro

Yeah, an American with an IQ over 100 definitely isn't right

11.0 is not the same as 110, Tyrone

Get the fuck out darkie

How did you know my name?

155. I'm Mexican.

155 at menso

110 Wakanda

I need to see your identification sir


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162 Swiss-Irish

120, caucasian

Dick size: 5.8" long, 5.8" thick at the base, 5.4" thick at the head.

Swiss-irish? ROFL bad luck dude

I would love to chop your dick off with garden shears

the basic bitch tests I've taken suggest 125-130 but they're probably not accurate. I'm white British.

>mfw people here have

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roughly 120+. But that's to expected since I am an average post doc. Not like Einstein level

>you wouldn't be surprised if I told you the average construction worker is stronger than the average dude, would you

oh, and I don't give my race because that's obviously irrelevant

Pick one, retard.

Do you possess a Y chromosome?

dick size: 7inches
white girl count: 78

Fuck off Neal, don't you have more TV shows to special guest star in?

149 Australia

>149 IQ abo
Yeah nah mate, fack off

White male

139 IQ