My mom is a shitty cook but I know she tries so hard. I love you Mom

My mom is a shitty cook but I know she tries so hard. I love you Mom

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Appreciate her. One day she will be gone and you'll wish you had her shitty cooking.

Not if you get a wife with better personality traits, and can cook better.

Sorry, but as a father of two who is also the sole provider to my family of four, theres always time in the day to make something half decent for my kids.

But instead of looking for sympathy and guilting your mother, you're old enough by now to cook your own fucking meals. Chips for dinner is abhorrent, boil a fucking egg and make some toast or something, pop some tomatoes or cucumber on the side. Meal.

Boil some pasta, add a jarred sauce, put it in a baking dish, grate some cheese, bake for 10mins. Meal. Add cooked ground beef and a can of chopped tomatoes and you've got a basic pasta bolognese.

Cooking is fucking easy, you and your mother are just lazy.

What the fuck is that shit? Looks like dog vomit with cheese sprinkled on top

If you're old enough to post on 5chin, you're old enough to make your own food.

I love your mum too but that stupid cunt deserves to be fucking slapped for whipping up that bullshit.

The ol' cottage pie with nachos...classic.

Better than anything I ever ate in the UK

>Boil some pasta, add a jarred sauce, put it in a baking dish, grate some cheese, bake for 10mins. Meal.
If you're feeding that garbage to your children you're a selfish monster and you're no better than OP's mother.

>if you don't grow your own vegetables and mill your own grain, your food is dog shit!

People that "can't cook" are just lazy fat poorfags it's not more expensive you just can't imagine not doing your grocery shopping in a liquor store.
The internet has MILLIONS of STEP BY STEP RECIPES even fucking videos if you can't read. Stop drinking soda. Eat more fruit and veges, even if it's snap frozen. Stop eating Doritos for fuck sake.

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There's a happy medium there, you angry little man-child.

It's better than instant ramen and Twinkies


>boil up some nutrient free carbs; cover with a jar of salt, preservatives, and food coloring; grate one of the worst saturated fats you can all over the top
You really shouldn't be criticizing anyone.

What an insufferable cunt you must be.

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The only reasonable objection you could have would be to tell him to make his own sauce, and the entire premise is that he is short for time. Eat shit you self righteous pretender.

Enlighten us with your super nutrient rich all vegan diet.

It's better than eating a plate of boiled tapeworm. What's your point, dum-dum?

>Eat shit you self righteous pretender.
Is that what you tell your kids when it's time to eat your food?

It's your mom's pussy LOLOLOLOL

try google

I spend roughly 45mins in the kitchen a day, make most things from scratch, cook with fresh ingredients 6/7days. We have a "freezer meal" on the weekend probably Saturday. Chicken nuggets, fries etc..

I was merely giving an example of what somebody with ZERO knowledge of cooking could easily produce instead of nachos for dinner.

That ok, Tendies?

Let me know when your rhetoric graduates secondary.

>half decent
Father of the year over here thinks he deserves a medal because he spends 6 mins a day cooking for his useless, potato-headed family.

Desperate cringe comeback right there.

Says the butthurt loser, samefagging.

dude that troll is gonna be stuffed to the gills by the time you're done. stop being stupid

Kek!! He deserves more than cottage pie w/ nachos mother

>butthurt loser
Your insults are as amateur and juvenile as your cooking.

Not a hell of a lot more lol

>not eating chicken tendies and mountain dew

Looks unhealthy, needs more carbs

Those aren't fucking nachos

Hahaha holy shit, you are SEETHING. I bet you were trembling as you typed that desperate, unoriginal, god-awful comeback.

How did she even try?

On the contrary, this is providing my some entertainment while i make lunch. Dont stop.

You'll never guess what i'm having for lunch btw...

Genuinely this talk of chicken tendies made me grab some from the freezer hdshdshah!!

That should take you all of 30 seconds. It's no wonder you're able to post here at the same time.

SeeWaiting for tendies to cook mate. You angrery you dont have some...aww

Bro, you're gonna have to post a pic