Future of boys

Future of boys

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why nigger?
white men are on average still more masculine than your average street monkey, despite what the mainstream propaganda will tell you

hate this edit. original is better

Post the original

Not the empathis on property.
Yah and White are bad because of slavery.

Stay mad because we used your own and only invention agents you.
Go to hell you slave driving hypocrite son of a bitch!

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dont have it

Yas Forums is just race baiting and shit porn threads now. It's sad.

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Right. I long miss the days when it was truly random here.
Also always Sage troll threads!

When black are on average born onto high muscle mass and hight. And most femboys are white.

Fuck, then for now this edit is better

The future is now old man

That's all Republicans are, is angry closeted men who couldn't explore their sexuality when they were young, and now they hate everybody. Now boys can, so expect a huge drop.

look up violence against transgenders on wikipedia
most are black, which is unsurprising considering that most are raised by single mothers and have higher estrogen on average
femboys you see on shit Yas Forums threads are white, yes, but few whites are femboys compared to niggers
also blacks aren't born onto high muscle mass and height, have you been to LA?
I live around niggers, and I tell you, the average crackhead malt-liqour downer isn't the BBC masterrace you've been conned into believing they are

Take the niggerdry out and this is pretty hot. unfortunately the Jew has to ruin something beautiful again

further, there's many articles talking about transgender blacks being killed

As long as we're married and I still get to stick my dick in her occasionally then I'm fine with it.

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I mean a simple Google search shows you that on average black woman and Mrs have the most sm mass. Lowest are usually Mexicans and Asians. As for hight that's claimed by "Nilotic peoples of Sudan" blacks. You did get me with the femboys . 0.8% vs 0.5%

>When black are on average born onto high muscle mass
Nigger, every week Live PD and Wanted showcase dundus doing nuffin, and 90% of the time they have the tightest, slim fit tapered faggot jeans that would make a soyboy piss himself with the IPA he just drank.

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Those day's never existed in the last 11 years.
Why would you think such a thing ?

You went on Yas Forums one day and managed to find trully random shit for 1 hour and now your saying it has always been that way ?

Get fucking real mate. Yas Forums has never been good and litterly the first post here whas some picture of a dog inserting his paw in your moms vagina.

I swear that's the same artist as Yas Forums's favorite masturbating autistic girl Ellie.

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Yas Forums was never good, it was better though.

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>When black are on average born onto high muscle mass and hight.

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This viking blood that is in our veins

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white men on average are more masculine... hmm have any data to back that up?

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My many back issues of Playgirl.

In America, whites are statistically taller than blacks though. Why make shit up?

This viking blood that is in our veins!

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Jellyfag detected.

Why are whitebois so feminine bros?

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>black are on average born onto high muscle mass
Seeing that it's there women that give birth, this is technically true.

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I believe you are confusing fact with opinion.

Yas Forums was not better nor worse. It's just Yas Forums.

>muh niggurs are genetically perfect
wanna know how i know you’re jewish?

Future of black boys

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