My mom died late last night at 62, AMA

My mom died late last night at 62, AMA

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Did you sniff her pussy?

You okay?

I didn’t get to be in the hospital with her because of coronavirus. I can already feel that lack of closure.

Nice, any pics?

Sorry fam. My dad passed away from a critical heart condition on Feb 4th. He was at the ripe young age of 60. For what its worth, I'm sorry for your loss.

No man I’m really not. She was one of the only people who always gave me hope. She was such a caring mother...

Should've replied to the "reply or your mother dies" retard.

Nice, any pics ?

do you hate niggers

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Thank you bro. I got to talk to someone today who’s dad died a year ago and he’s younger than me. It was nice to hear that perspective. The rest of my family is horrible with emotions so a guy I hardly know ended up giving the best advice.

Love you man. Hope your days ahead are bright and let you see the beauty of life.

Yas Forums retardation aside...

I’m sorry for your loss OP, I genuinely hope that things get better for you. Take care of yourself.

You lucky bastard, mine lasted until she was 71.

Sorry for your lost friend. Lost mine in Dec. She was the best. I empathize entirely. Chin up bro, live your life in a way that would make her proud.

I hate niggers in the sense that I hate trashy, rude, untrustworthy, drug using, ignorant people. I’ve met a lot of white niggers too.

While I am still a degenerate shitbird, you have my condolences man. I'm not really close with my family, but that shit would tear me up.

It’s ripples of pain and flashbacks and survivors guilt and you hate yourself for not doing more, just more. Shit, my mom was an opiate addict for 20 years who neglected me and my sister til cps gave us to our dad, then she disappeared for 6 years. I still love her and forgave her every time she would come back.

Thank you kind stranger.

lost my adoptive mum a few years back now. She was a lot older than 62 but it tore me apart anyway cos she's the only mum I ever had.

You're mourning now and that's normal. Best advice I can give - in a week or two or even more, you'll start to come to terms with it. When that happens, don't force yourself to feel sad. Don't feel guilty for getting back on your feet and moving on. Your mum would want you to be happy as soon as possible.

You probably won't find that advice useful yet. But remember it.

my mom abandoned me when i was 14 after leaving my dad. I was emotionally manipulated/abused to the point where i would want to kill myself for even thinking bad things about her. Recently, she says she still loves me and always wants me to move in with her (im 18 now), but i feel like its just a trap. She could die and i wouldnt feel bad, sure id grieve for a bit but i just don't care anymore. She made me this emotionally deprived guy who cant hold a relationship because of fear of manipulation.
TLDR- mum emotionally abused me and i dont care if she dies
Also OP, I truly am sorry for your loss but I thought I would share my story as it suprised me that not everyone had bad parents

I don't even have any advice to offer, but I can try to give you some perspective: When I was a young lad, and even aa an adult, two thing always happened in life. Good people got hurt/sick/died and my heart was broken in a relationship. The common threads between the two was either terrible or out of touch advice, or the old "time heals all wounds." Naturally, neither of these help hardly at all, at the time of and after an incident. Ironically, I'm about to tell you the same thing: Time really does heal all wounds. Except it doesn't, not the way that you'd think. Rather, over the course of my life, I've found that these wounds don't really heal. Instead, over time, the joy comes back. There will come a time when you can look back, and the pain will still be there and it hurts just as much as it did when it first happened. BUT: You'll be able to recall the good times. Your mind will try to remember the joy and the humor. TLDR: The pain never goes away, it just gets tempered by thoughts of the good times. Sorry for the blog post.

Forgiving is all you can do. My mom always laments she ruined our lives from the start, all I could ever tell her is that she did her best and that I wasn't mad about anything.

Remember this shit, user.

The old are supposed to die. The young are supposed to live. The fucking sun will rise in the morning. And with time, everything will be ok. I knew a dude who fucking drank himself to death after his ancient grandfather died. It was fucking retarded. Such a waste. Do your mother a service and fucking make something of yourself. Don't wallow in despair. That shit is retarded.
You'll be ok.

I've had this happen but the opposite; I'd talk about my parents to my friends in a positive way only to recieve blank stares back. I thought all parents were as great as mine, and I found out very quickly that it is not in fact the norm. Weird how that goes.

I don’t mind your sharing. I guess I really came here to hear others opinions on such awful circumstances. I can’t sleep but I’m exhausted. Several times an hour I cry deeply, a howling sort of grief, and then I stuff it away again.

Why didn't you reply to that one thread?

I believe time will heal this wound.

I wish I had the chance to tell her so many things that I’ll never get to. It happened really fast. I will honor her by sharing her story as I go on.

One sympathizes. Just remember your Yoda, and accept natural progression of life without forming self-harming attachments. Emotions are natural; they allowed our ancestors to form and strengthen social bonds and further our evolution. Acknowledge those emotions as much as they need to be, but also don't dwell on the lost and the past.

And, if your last words were angry or hateful ones, don't worry. Nobody on their deathbed remembers the bad stuff. Just the good times.

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My grandma is 62. Get bent.